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Limiting maximum Skill level


Well-known member
Regarding Max skill level. I thought I had solved this a few days ago in another file but I sure can't find anything, sigh.

This part of a Hindrance I need to code:

In addition, his somewhat unnerving attitude conditions his social abilities: he cannot raise his Persuasion skill over d8.

[skPersuadeSWADE].field[trtMaximum].value = 4

I am drawing a blank on syntax left of the .field above.

I searched through the forums here but not finding any help. Perhaps my searchfoo is not as good as it used to be.
hero.childfound[skPersuadeSWADE].field[trtMaximum].value = 4
Will probably get you what you're after. You use childfound so it doesn't throw an error if it's not there.