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Is Realm Works what I need?


New member
So, I'm searching for a non subscription program to manage my Roleplaying Game Campaigns.

This alone ... yes ... Realm Works would work wonderfully, I assume ...

My problem is: I also need a program, that players can access and write things down for them. Such as the background story of their respective character ... or the log of the played sessions ... is that possible with realm works? Do I need a subscription for this?

No. In Realm Works, the GM can edit things but Players can only view things.

If the group uses Hero Lab (either one) for their characters, they can add Journal entries and other things to there. It won't show up as part of your world reference material, though.
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Also, Realm Works is no longer being developed and hasn't been in development for several years. At least as far as I know.
It is good at what it does, but new features aren't likely.

The developer likes the software, but I suspect it wasn't generating enough revenue. It will likely be supported forever, but in its current state.

I liked it when I used it, but haven't used it in quite a while.
Late reply, but I will offer this advice. First off, in dev or not, I've yet to find another product which runs as well and accomplishes what Realm Works does for my campaigns.

As for players, here's how we handle within Realm Works: The players submit their info via Discord to me and I upload to RW. Each player has a player version of realm works, and we actively use the feature to allow players to read items which they have discovered or learned.

It's a game changer, pardon the pun, to have all that info at your fingertips. I've even begun slowly adding mechanics and systems to RW so my players can also have that at their fingertips as well.

RW has built-in features for tracking game sessions, although we generally dont use it. I just take notes as we go, and create an entry the next day or two after session has ended.

"I'm looking for a program to manage my role-playing game campaigns without a subscription. Just that... yeah... Realm Works would be great, I suppose... My problem is that I also need a program that players can access and save various things for them. Like the background story of their characters... or logs from played sessions..
