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is Cryptos site down?


Well-known member
http://hl4e.cryptoknight.org I am out of town right now and attempting to update my HL on my laptop and i get an error everythime I attempt to update for 4E from HL and when I try to got to cryptos site I get the following.

This webpage is not available


Anyone have an idea? Other updates work in HL I tried Necissary Evil and it worked.
well after some checking it would seems as though the servers hosting his site are down at this time. Does anyone have the last patch/update to HL 4E and if so would you be able to email me a copy or file share say with Google?
Thank you all.
Yes sorry about that DDOS to the entire server group my site is hosted at...

Of course the outage had to start in the middle of the 4th of July... I didn't notice it was down until I bugged my host as they were getting it back up
Hey it cool just my luck as usual that when I am in need the universe is making sure I am getting stepped on the throat!

Very Happy its all fixed now!