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Important Message for users of AB & 40K files

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Well-known member
Just wanted to get this stated here so that hopefully it will get read.

The AB40K files are generally updated on the order of once a month or once every other month, depending on the need to update (new releases, bugfixes, etc). This update will generally be made available using the "Automatic update system" of Army Builder which notifies you of an update and will download it for you for your import approval. This, however, is not the only update that we do.

Before such an update is sent to the system, a general release is made available on our website at www.ab40k.org. This is to enure that most bugs have been caught, or can be corrected before the automatic update is sent out. This happens about a week before the general release to the auto-update system. This will enable users to have a sneak peek at the next general release and also help our efforts in bugtesting the files.

Also, we will occasionally put out patches or hotfixes to correct glaring or show-stopping errors in the files. These are put out on our website (www.ab40k.org) for download so that users can have those errors corrected. A small example of this is after the immediate release of the Dark Eldar file in the 1.11a General Release, there was a patch released every day (for the first four days) after it's release to get those errors corrected, or explained.

The reason of why I have decided to write this note here is to inform users of this valuable resource. It is also an effort to try and make sure that our bug tracker does not continue to get duplicates of errors which were corrected for those who know to use our website (www.ab40k.org).

And just to make it clear, we do appreciate the help of the community to help us correct the files and ensure that a 40K player can use the files and be sure that they are as game legal and bug free for your uses. We just don't like getting duplicate errors reports on issues which have been corrected already, and would have been made abundantly clear if the user had the most recent updates/patches loaded...

shaggai / Lead Maintainer of the AB40K files
Hoping for Eldar Hornet file/update

Was wondering about how you approach new stuff from the Forgeworld boys at Games Workshop. As I understand it the rules for the eldar Hornet are 'experimental' and will be included in an upcoming Imperial Armour publication.
Do you wait for that 'Official' stamp of approval before adding whatever it is to AB? Surely it would be ok to add the file, so that as long as the IA box is checked, a person could still have the option.
Right now I am editing the Vyper entry to read Hornet instead.
Generally, Forge World material follows the same one-month minimum period before inclusin into the files. This is also regardless of the source, so material available in an IA series book is treated the same as a item released by FW as a model and/or rules on the website and regardless of classiification.

That said, the Hornet is already in the release...
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