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Impoble to Create a pre-remaster Character ?



I want to create a Pathfinder Society Organized Play Character in HLO before remaster, I have some characters that I never previously create in HLO before you apply resmaster but character already exist and play them before and I don't want to convert them in remaster.

But HLO dont allow me to create in a non remaster format a Pathfinder Society Organized Play Character. Help ! Seem cannot use the tools for half my characters ! And also impossible to make simualtion in resmater and comeback in pre remaster version !
I just tested, and when creating a new character in HLO, I was able to un-check the "Adopt Remaster" checkbox and check the Pathfinder Society Character box, and once I created the character, I was able to use pre-remaster content, like making an Evoker wizard.

Do you have any more specifics - any details on how to get into the state where you don't see the "Adopt Remaster" checkbox while creating a new character (or can't un-check that box)?
Thanks seem dont the "Adopt Remaster" checkbox but dont fodn the option to revert back on pre resmater on character I tested in Remaster
No, adopting the remaster is a 1-way trip, I'm sorry to say. We did not write any undo code for that step.