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I bought a license... so now what?


New member
I just bought the Core Rulebook Upgrade for HLO, but I can't find out how to actually access it. I can't find anything that specifically says "Log in to HLO here!" The only thing I can see is something to sign up for the demo, but I'm not on a demo account, I have a license.

Not that it works anyway. If I enter in my license information, I just get an error that says, "A different license for this product is already assigned to this account. Another license cannot be issued to the account."

180 days of access is a long time, but it's still counting down, and I have several characters I'd rather get started on inputting sooner, rather than later.
Usually this would be "Create an account or or activate a product code" on the HLO home page, and then the "Activate License for an Existing Account" option (if you already have an account) or "Create a New Account to Use Product" option (if you don't have an account yet).

If you're seeing that "A different license..." error on the "Activate License for an Existing Account" screen, you'll want to check with our support team at support@wolflair.com (including your username in the email) and we'll be fix up any weirdness going on.
Thanks for getting back to me, but looks like my issue solved itself. A few minutes after I posted this, I went back to the tab and it automatically refreshed itself and dumped me onto the HLO log-in page. I guess it just took a little bit longer than I thought for the changes to propagate.

HLO is looking and working really well (and is reinforcing how much I suck at making Starfinder characters properly). I hope to see Pathfinder and 5E on there soon.