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How to remove extra Spell information in Printout

Is there a way to remove all this extra information in printout of spells?

When printing a character with Spell descriptions, it includes duplicated information or unnecessary information for my players.

We don't need to see the "Calculation Breakdown" of how the character's spell attack or spell DC is calculated for every spell.

We don't need that followed by a "Die Roller" for every spell that shows things like:

Die Roller
•Roll 1d20 +10
•Roll's String ={1d20+10}
•Roll 3d4 E
•Roll's String ={(3d4+0)[Electricity:E]}

...when we can simply read the spell description. Plus why are we reading a string in a printout anyways? I looked back at some of our older character sheets, and this string wasn't in our printouts from a few months ago.

Finally, there must be a cleaner way to show a spell without doubling up the text in Actions and Range to show both the base and heightened version. There's just a lot of text once the spell list starts to grow that these text blocks are unwieldy.

Here's the Lay on Hands spell. A very basic spell that will heal 12HP for our low-level champion. Does this spell printout really need to be this big? Is there really no better way to print this information?

Lay on Hands
Focus 1
Action [1]
Uncommon, Champion, Healing, Vitality
Cast [1 action] somatic
Range touch
Targets 1 willing living creature or 1 undead creature

In-Play Information

Heightened to 2nd Level
Cast [1 action] somatic
Range touch
Targets 1 willing living creature or 1 undead creature
Healing 12

Calculation Breakdown
Proficiency Level (Trained)
•Base Bonus (+6): Character Level (+4), Trained Proficiency Modifier

Die Roller
•Roll 1d20 +6
•Roll's String ={1d20+6}
•Roll 12
•Roll's String ={12c2}

Your hands become infused with positive energy, healing a living
creature or damaging an undead creature with a touch. If you use lay
on hands on a willing living target, you restore 6 Hit Points; if the
target is one of your allies, they also gain a +2 status bonus to AC
for 1 round. Against an undead target, you deal 1d6 damage and it
must attempt a basic Fortitude save; if it fails, it also takes a –2 status
penalty to AC for 1 round.

Heightened (+1) The amount of healing increases by 6, and the
damage to an undead target increases by 1d6.

Is there some sort of option to reduce the clutter in these printouts in HLO?


There's not a way to reduce that, but yeah that's a lot of stuff that wasn't previously printing and shouldn't be. I'm not sure what changed there, but I'll add it to the shortlist of things to investigate for sheets.

There's not a way to reduce that, but yeah that's a lot of stuff that wasn't previously printing and shouldn't be. I'm not sure what changed there, but I'll add it to the shortlist of things to investigate for sheets.

Any word on how that is coming along? An option to select is probably the best solution as I have heard from a few members now that they like having it, so for us folk that don't an "opt out" would be nice.
