New member
I love this old, unsupported program but my (lack of) skills do not really allow me to get under the hood. If anyone thinks they can assist with the problem below, please DM me, or just offer the advice as a comment. Thanks in advance!
I have downloaded some Pathfinder GM Pack Encounter Files from the Hero Lab Community Repository at d20pfsrd, namely Carrion Crown NPCs. A good many of these .por files fail to load, returning the following single error: "Pick 'xxxxxxx' has been orphaned due to missing thing in batch 'xxx'". This is the only error. Other files will return multiple errors, yet load just fine. Does anyone know what this is and/or how to fix? Let me know if you need more details.
I have downloaded some Pathfinder GM Pack Encounter Files from the Hero Lab Community Repository at d20pfsrd, namely Carrion Crown NPCs. A good many of these .por files fail to load, returning the following single error: "Pick 'xxxxxxx' has been orphaned due to missing thing in batch 'xxx'". This is the only error. Other files will return multiple errors, yet load just fine. Does anyone know what this is and/or how to fix? Let me know if you need more details.