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Hiding Equipment in Packs


Well-known member
So I was trying to hide some specific equipment (such as a Bell). Bells are in the Burglar's Pack, so I got an error when I tried to compile. So I figured if I hide Burglar's Packs as well, then that should solve the problem. Sadly, not so much. So how do I hide equipment that goes into a pack (and hide the pack itself as well...?)
I created an Equipment.user file and on the *Hidden tab, simply hid all the equipment I wanted to remove (example gBell and gBurgPack).
Okay I've got your fix. Use Preclude instead of Hidden. The only different thing is that you'll need to create a source to use for the Preclude. You can use one of the .1st files in the Community Pack as a template for creating a source. Preclude the Bell, Burglar's Pack, and/or whatever else you like with that source. Then, while a hero has that source selected, you won't see those items as options on the Gear screen.

If you don't want to make a .user file, you can make a Simple thing, select Sources, and add a new source. Just use the Source Unique ID that you make for that Simple thing when you do the Preclude.

Preclude just means "hide X thing while Y source is selected," and can be used for virtually any picks (player-selected stuff).

One other note; if you just preclude the bell but not the pack, the bell will still add to the character when you select the pack. But it'll be highlighted in red and you can just remove it again.
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