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Future Roadmap

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Staff member
This thread lists features that we are planning on implementing in the near-to-middle future. Caveats apply:

  • Items appear in no particular order regarding importance or likelihood of being implemented next
  • Inclusion in this list doesn't guarantee any particular delivery timeframe, other than that "We'd like to implement it Soon™."
  • Items may disappear from this list for many reasons. They may need to be rethought from a design or technical perspective, or be obviated by the introduction or removal of some other item. Removal doesn't necessarily mean they will never be completed.
  • The age of an item on the list has no bearing on when it will be delivered. We are continually evaluating priorities, and some old items will be bumped behind new items.
  • This is not an exhaustive list of upcoming features! It only addresses major pieces, especially those you might be familiar with from Hero Lab Classic.
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Future Roadmap

You may be familiar with many of these feature names from classic Hero Lab. However, they may change form or function, or be implemented in a completely new way when we deliver them for Hero Lab Online.

  • Upload custom portraits ✔
  • Offline View (Read-only. You will not be able to make changes, modifications, or adjustments to your character in this mode.)

Campaign Theater Beta
  • Tactical Console - ✔ WIP
  • Encounter Builder - ✔ WIP
  • GM-Player Interaction - ✔ WIP
  • Player-to-Player Collaboration - ✔ WIP
  • Party Loot Management
  • Streamlined Starship Management for the Whole Party
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Coming Sometime

These are planned features that we'd like to have available sooner rather than later, but still have some elements that undecided yet.

  • Raw data exports and external API access

These are things that we are continually improving, but are unlikely to be considered "done" at any given point in time. Rather, they will steadily improve in increments over time.

  • Better optimized performance for a more snappy and responsive feel
  • More consistent visual decoration throughout the app
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