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Foundry loose integration

Yeah, I hadn't thought about the complication with links.

I can't think of a really good solution. I'd want all the material to come across--most of my topics are only partially revealed, and it would be a real pain to have to go through each one of them after import and copy+paste all the info in from RW.

Maybe the best way is to not worry about it at all, and just have a note that the conversion process doesn't preserve unrevealed states. I could just manually convert all my unrevealed snippets in RW to DM only text before bringing them across so they'll be secret in Foundry; and then after import manually hide the links.

Edit: I just noticed that there is no scene padding. Is there a way to add scene padding on import without it throwing off the map pins?

Version 1.4 does a first pass simple solution.
I might investigate creating the content twice within the same topic - once as per the "revealed" state; and the second as the full content, putting this second section inside a "secret" style.
1.6 is out

Configuration options are provided to set the default scene padding and grid size.
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I was thinking the GM Notes way of doing unrevealed info might work well, but after playing around with it a bit, it isn't as useful as I hoped.

One issue with it is that the incoming links can contain spoilers. Like, for instance, maybe "Lord Evil" the party's nemesis is a (partially) revealed topic, but when they look at the "Gwendolyn the friendly innkeeper" entry they probably shouldn't see an incoming link from Lord Evil who they don't know has anything to do with her.

Maybe the incoming and outgoing links should always be secret? That would make navigating a little bit harder for players in some situations unless the GM manually reveals links where they thought it would help (which would make it harder for the GM, etc). I'm not sure what the best option for that is.

The GM Notes window is a bit awkward. I think I'd probably go for just having it in a big secret section at the end of the original topic like you were thinking about before. Of course, that has cons also, because then there isn't anyway to tell the difference between things that were marked in RW as GM secrets/false information other than staring at it in line by line comparison looking for differences.

One issue with it is that the incoming links can contain spoilers. Like, for instance, maybe "Lord Evil" the party's nemesis is a (partially) revealed topic, but when they look at the "Gwendolyn the friendly innkeeper" entry they probably shouldn't see an incoming link from Lord Evil who they don't know has anything to do with her.

Maybe the incoming and outgoing links should always be secret?

The IN/OUT links in the main topic of revealed content should only show for revealed topics; but I hadn't considered checking for revealed NAMES when generating those links - it isn't a complex thing to do, once I determine the priority ordering of names to display if the main topic name isn't revealed.

Although, it seems that the main topic name will always be revealed if the topic is revealed (the "true name" doesn't need to be revealed though).
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One issue with it is that the incoming links can contain spoilers. Like, for instance, maybe "Lord Evil" the party's nemesis is a (partially) revealed topic, but when they look at the "Gwendolyn the friendly innkeeper" entry they probably shouldn't see an incoming link from Lord Evil who they don't know has anything to do with her.

How is this link being portrayed differently to what can be seen in the player view of RW?
How is this link being portrayed differently to what can be seen in the player view of RW?

In RW, links only appear in player view if they are part of a revealed snippet. For some reason additional links (but not all of them) are showing up in Foundry even if no snippets have been revealed.

The "Faerunian Multiverse" topic gives examples, where RW has no content links showing for players, but Foundry has several. (The revealed relationship is working correctly).
The "Faerunian Multiverse" topic gives examples, where RW has no content links showing for players, but Foundry has several. (The revealed relationship is working correctly).

Could you PM me a link to the RWexport for your realm? The one you previously gave me was a RWoutput file. :-)
Could you PM me a link to the RWexport for your realm? The one you previously gave me was a RWoutput file. :-)

I see the problem.

The OUT links are not honouring the revealed state of the snippets/map_pins in which they appear within the current topic.

The IN links are not honouring the revealed state of all occurrences in snippets/map_pins of the OTHER topic.
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Version 1.7 is available

FIX: In revealed topics, the content links should only show links to the topics where the snippets/map_pins containing the link have been revealed.
FEATURE: Initial attempt at decoding some journal entries as Items instead of Journal Entries (currently only for PF1 and English RW category names).
I've been thinking about what might be a better user experience for the un/revealed snippet state. I don't know if this is doable, so I'm just going on what the setup would look like in Foundry if it is.

Unrevealed Snippet:
(Secret) Normal snippet that hasn't been revealed

GM Snippet: Secret in square brackets. So it would be something like:
(Secret) [GM: GM's text]

GM Snippet attached to a normal snippet:
Follow the initial [GM: GM's text] with the normal snippet, and then on a line afterwards have another closing bracket.
(Secret) [GM: GM's text]
(Normal) Normal snippet text (also secret if unrevealed)
(Secret) ]

Untrue / Partially True statements: Same format as attached GM Snippet, so
(Secret) [Partially True]
(Normal) Normal snippet (also secret if unrevealed)
(Secret) ]

GM Snippet attached to untrue / partially true statement: Same as above but listing both, so
(Secret) [Partially True; GM: GM's text related to the partially true snippet ]
(Normal) Partially true text (also secret if unrevealed)
(Secret) ]

There's probably a more elegant way to do it than with bolding and square brackets, but it gets the job done.

In the Content Links sections at the end, I think having all of the revealed ones in a category (IN/OUT) be first, and the secret ones be in a paragraph afterwords would work pretty well.

The potential benefit of this is that it eliminates the need for the GM Notes module, keeps everything on one page, and provides a closer approximation to the RW view. It also allows for easily revealing snippets to players in Foundry, by simply removing the secret formatting, and they stay in the correct place in the body of the text.
I've started experimenting with more CSS, so the snippets will follow the style more closely of what was seen in Realm Works. Although this is primarily for snippet styles, it could also apply to Foundry secret sections.
Version 1.8 is available

This version has seen some significant reworking of how snippets are converted into journal entries/actors/etc.

No longer requires "GM Notes" module for handling revealed topics.
Revealed snippets are identified to the GM in displayed documents by a green bar on the left side.
Revealed smart images can have their corresponding scene automatically made navigable (and their vision/fog disabled).
For GMs, Relationships, Content Links and Governed Content will show REVEALED parts separately from the full list.
Lots of CSS have been added to more closely match the Snippet Style in RW.
Created Scenes, Actors and Tables are only made OBSERVABLE to players if the topic AND the snippet are both revealed.
Snippets with both GM notes and non-GM notes will be grouped together in a box for GMs (in a similar presentation to RW).

Known Bugs
Revealed state of map pins is ignored - only pins connected to non-revealed topics will be hidden on each scene.
All links are displayed in revealed snippets of revealed topics - even if the linked document is not revealed.
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Version 1.9 is available

Only revealed map pins will be visible to players in scenes. For GMs, not-revealed pins will be displayed with a "blind" icon.

When displaying document text in journal entries and actors, any links whose destination is NOT visible to a player will have the link replaced by just the normal text - so a player will NOT see any link there.
Version 1.10 is available

Don't include GM Directions in Notes that are displayed to players.
Ensure that links in snippet annotations are created properly.
Veracity (Truth) of snippets is displayed to GMs (dashed border for Partial Truth, solid border for Lie)
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That's impressive.

I noticed that on the content links, revealed links are duplicated by being listed both in the revealed and in the unrevealed sections.

I haven't discovered any way to turn off the revealed snippet indicators, or reveal other snippets, other than disabled the module, which reverts the RW-style green snippets back to secret text. I had some thoughts on that part.

As exciting as it is seeing the familiar green indicators, it's probably more important to be able to edit the imported entries so that they are fully functional. The text editing in Foundry is currently painfully limited, but an option to stick to formatting that can be duplicated might be a good idea.
As exciting as it is seeing the familiar green indicators, it's probably more important to be able to edit the imported entries so that they are fully functional. The text editing in Foundry is currently painfully limited, but an option to stick to formatting that can be duplicated might be a good idea.

It is intentional to show the revealed and not-revealed sections as separate entries - helps clarify easily what the players will see.

The next step is that in the text editor, there will be additional options in the sub-menu where you can currently select "secret" text. More options here will expose the different section types which the module uses.

I am also considering removing the explicit "revealed" section type that I'm using and merely put the bar against any sections which aren't marked as "secret".
Version 1.11 is available

Removes a lot of the colourful styling that was added in 1.10.
Adds block styles to the text editor for RW Veracity (Lie/Partial Truth) and Style (Callout, Handout, Flavor, Read-Aloud) and GM Directions.
Really liking the 1.11

It is intentional to show the revealed and not-revealed sections as separate entries - helps clarify easily what the players will see.

I definitely agree with them being separate like that.

What I was referring to is that the links from the player versions are also duplicated in the secret version in the GM view, so the GM sees those links twice--which can be confusing. For instance, in my Named Equipment "Illiksensqua'ar" entry, the 'Relationship: Eva' and 'Primordial Tongue' are listed twice. So to the GM it looks like there are 3 relationships and 3 outgoing content links at a glance, and you have to look them over to see that there are in fact only two each. Gets even messier with more links of course.

I'm not sure if it's within what you want to mess with, but I noticed that Partial Truth, Lie, and Block formatting aren't compatible with the popular Monk's Enhanced Journal (you can select them but they don't show up when viewed with that mod), which is kinda sad. The remaining RW formatting options seem to work normally.
I just had a look at Monk's Enhanced Journal - it requires a different method of specifying that the formatting should be visible to GMs.

With 1.11 showing the old shaded background for SECRET sections, maybe the contents, links, etc. are easier to see which are visible to the player and which aren't.
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