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Follow up on second LWD Survey


Well-known member
I seem to remember doing a second survey from LWD a while back and one of the questions was what other tools would be helpful and it listed several ideas. What ever became of the results of that survey?

Thank you.
Hey @Asandir, can you clarify which survey it was (the subject)? I want to make sure we're thinking of the same one. Looking back at 2014/2015, we actually put out 5 surveys.
Liz, I don't honestly remember which one it was. All I remember is that it was asking about what other tools would be helpful to gamers and then listed 3 or 4 tools that were ideas. Beyond that, that is all I remember. The tool that stuck out in my mind was a table generator one I believe. Where the user could build tables and have them return random results from the selected table.
Based on the results of that survey (and the similar one we ran alongside it, for the adventure paths), we ended up building the Encounter Library for Hero Lab, along with support for Rise of the Runelords and the other APs. The other tools we floated ideas of are still possibilities, but we don't have any near-term plans for them right now.
Based on the results of that survey (and the similar one we ran alongside it, for the adventure paths), we ended up building the Encounter Library for Hero Lab, along with support for Rise of the Runelords and the other APs. The other tools we floated ideas of are still possibilities, but we don't have any near-term plans for them right now.

Ahhh! Thanks Colen. I didn't remember exactly what was in the survey, but you have answered my questions. Thank you!