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Focused Awakened


Well-known member
on pg 43 it talks about focused awakened. I can't find how to choose them on the life module system or the priority system.
Could you please point me to any official rulings on how much these cost? Which characters can use them? How they are intended to be used?
I was looking further into things, and on PG42 at the bottom where it first starts discussing them, they lump them as just different ways of focusing their talent similar to the Aspected Conjurerer, Sorcerer and Enchanter. With that in mind wouldn't that just mean that they would be placed on the same Priority as well as Karma cost?

Just asking as they have not made an errata to the book and I really want to play one lol Thanks
Could you please point me to any official rulings on how much these cost? Which characters can use them? How they are intended to be used?

There is no cost to taking one of the Focused Awakened archetypes. Each one gives a benefit and some kind of restriction that's listed on FA page 43.

For example: If you take the Null Wizard Focus, you cannot use a vast majority of your magic skills nor can you astrally project, but you gain the Reflection Metamagic for free as well as the Spell Resistance quality.