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Not that I know of, though if Exalted were to be done, I would probably run it alot more than I currently do. Right now I run it once a year for a month or so for my hardcore players and that is pretty much it. Without software to build NPCs with I have found myself only willing to run Mortal chronicles with my players.
There is software for building characters and NPC's. Check into Anathema.

But I think that Hero Lab could do quite well for themselves if they started including some support for Exalted, since it's the largest RPG Kickstarter (to date).
I have been working on an unofficial Hero Lab system for Exalted. I have all the base mechanics in place except for artifacts.
I have been working on an unofficial Hero Lab system for Exalted. I have all the base mechanics in place except for artifacts.

RavenX, due to recently having purchased Realm Works and loving it, I've been rather keen to get EX3E into HL, I was wondering if you would be willing to share your work like you did the Forgotten Realms data files? Also, did you use the WoD edition for HL or did you go at it from scratch?
RavenX, due to recently having purchased Realm Works and loving it, I've been rather keen to get EX3E into HL, I was wondering if you would be willing to share your work like you did the Forgotten Realms data files? Also, did you use the WoD edition for HL or did you go at it from scratch?

Just to be clear, my Exalted files are for 2e, not 3e. I have no desire to switch to 3e Exalted as I own all the 2e books for the game system. I am not willing to share the files I have done for a 3e conversion because they may not even be remotely compatible. I haven't seen 3rd edition personally and just have no desire to scrap sections of what I did for 2e to make a 3e file at this time. Sorry.

Also going to point out that my work is far from usable at this point. I still have a lot of things to actually script and a quite a few overhauls to add to the files.

Edit: June 23, 2017 The files are now much more usable due to some epiphanies I had while coding them the past few weeks. I can say that changing the files to 3e will require much more work than I've done. I have the files mostly working at this point for 2nd edition Exalted. Solar charms from the core rulebook, along with all Dragon King charms and Heroic Mortal implementation is done, I am currently on the Dragon-Blooded. Unfortunately I have no time-table for when this data will be finished. It does print character sheets and charms in a spellbook format as is, so I can use it for my games at this point. I do need to hammer out the advances which I admit may take time. I also have to hammer a few other things out such as the Health Levels. I had a problem with my old laptop and lost some of my previous work and had to recode a good bit of it. Recoding has allowed me to do things a bit more efficiently, however.
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I have finished the basic implementation of the Exalted files. I still have to implement other things from the Manuals of Exalted Power but the core implementation for Solars, Dragon-Blooded, Dragon-Kings, and mortals is finished. Sidereal colleges are also supported but not yet fully implemented.
I now have the Sidereals, Lunars, Abyssals and Infernals in. Just a few tweaks to be made to Akuma and setting up a secondary peripheral pool for certain infernal charms and I can say Infernals are done after that.

Just to be clear, it is a Separate Datafile, coded from scratch using the authoring kit. The differences between Wod and Exalted are significant enough that I couldn't just use the existing WoD files for it.