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Editor and Scripting Resources

thats VERY helpful. I've also been hoping to find a very basic api/structure format. For example, how do i find out what all the standard fields are?

where is hit points saved under, vs str, vs movement, etc...

(im speaking in generalities, i know where hit points, strength, are)

does such a thing exist anywhere?

Thanks again!
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Develop menu...Floating Info Windows or right-click individual items and choose "Show debug tags/fields/tasks for XXXXX"

(You'll need to turn on "Enable Data File Debugging" at the top of the Develop menu first).
Creating an IF script based on wepons

I'm trying to figure out how to write a script to add a +3 dex bonus to some armor when the character wearing the armor is not dual wielding. I have the general idea but I don't know how to specify the weapons being wielded. I didn't see it covered in the tutorials that Mathias had up there and i was hoping someone could point me in the right direction.

So while in Pathfinder I go to "Tools>Launch Editor," and I get a message that states:

<quote>To start editing a new file, click on the "File" menu and select "New Data File".</quote> there is

However, when I go to the "File" menu, there is no "New Data File" option. I am running Hero Lab v4.2 with the latest version of the Pathfinder files.

Thanks in advance,

P.S. Is a "Editing Hero Lab for Pathfinder 101" or some really basic getting started threads? My search-fu is returning nothing.
Custom Race Caster Level issue

Hi there I'm trying to create a new race with spellcasting abilities, but when using the race in hero lab, it doesnt increase caster level with levels in a standard class, could someone advise me as to a script or other such to remedy the problem
New Race Type?

Saw a thread from Feb 2014, resurrecting in hope of a different answer:

Is it possible to create a new Race Type to allow for visual categorization of custom races during character creation, or failing that any other way to set them apart from similar stock races? E.g. stock races in custom campaign may have different features (languages, etc.)

Or, how would I go about adding new features and disabling some on the stock races which, for me, would accomplish the same desired outcome?

Edit: Just realized I posted this in wrong topic. Apologies.

Just wondering if this is the right forum for this question:

i want to add some things to HL Pf for my homebrew world

1- new classes
2- new races
3- 0th lvl - basically an extra trait and hps = con mod
I think the "Useful Macros" section of the "Where Do I Find... " page in the manual would be a good place to add information on the #situational macro.

Also, it might be good to add the rudimentary information about Caster Level there.
Just wondering if this is the right forum for this question:
i want to add some things to HL Pf for my homebrew world
1- new classes
2- new races
3- 0th lvl - basically an extra trait and hps = con mod

Yes, this is the right place to ask questions when you have problems with doing something in HL PF.
You can use the editor to add custom races and classes. Try looking at how other races/classes have been done and you should be able to copy some of that information to set up your own. Also check out:
Hero Lab FAQ, Editor Tutorials and Videos, Editor & Scripting Resources.
There's also the "Help" within HL and the editor that can assist you.
Looked through there - i'm just not 'getting it' - trying to input the Super Genius Games Vanguard revised class to HL

Can you be specific about what you are having problems with? For example, I think I'd have problems with the weapon bond, but the bulk of the Vanguard class looks fairly straightforward.
Have you set up the basics - BA, saves, skills, etc? Class abilities and spells take some more work but most don't look that complicated.
No i haven't. Not real clear on where to do that. I've taken a class .user file and plopped it into WORD to look at maybe just modifying it - comes to 100pages to read through - maybe i'll get a start on the weekend.

Thanks for replying
No i haven't. Not real clear on where to do that. I've taken a class .user file and plopped it into WORD to look at maybe just modifying it - comes to 100pages to read through - maybe i'll get a start on the weekend.

Thanks for replying

Nooooooooo! Do NOT use Word for .user files. Download and install Notepad++. It's free and will work much better for this purpose.

I second EightBitz' suggestion in not using MS Word. Notepad++ is exellent if you actually want to look at the XML in user files.
As a starting point though, I'd suggest you use the HL editor and open one of the Community Files that has Classes in it - that way you can see the buttons/tabs/etc that are available to help you build a class and shows you how someone else put the Class together.
Race Points

My party uses standard races, but raised to 15 RP for our campaigns.
Attempting to raise a Xeph to 15 as follows.
Advanced: +4 Dex, -2, STR, +2 mental (4RP)
Fast (1RP)
Quick Reactions (2RP)
Stalker (1RP)

In the Editor, I can copy the base Xeph and manually adjust the DEX, STR, and mental but it is not recognizing the Fast or Quick Reactions.

And then when I publish, it says I exceeded the 10 RP.