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Editing the Default Datasets?


Active member
Editing the Default Options?

I want to remove the 'unique' vampire disciplines so I can have multiple clans with majesty without it being their 'unique'.
Ideally I want to turn off 'unique disciplines' entirely, unlocking all disciplines as possible out-of-clan disciplines.

I'm also curious about adding new supernatural templates.
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I read some old posts and I see you can't add new supernatural splats.

What about my first question/issue:

- I'm trying to implement the translation guide. As such, I've disabled the existing vampire clans and have started adding the new ones. Since they're oWoD Based, there are like 3 clans that will have Majesty, but presently Daeva has a monopoly on it unless I set it as the other clan's unique, which doesn't quite work if they have another 'unique ability'
I've solved the issue with the workaround (copied all of the disciplines and disabled the originals, though there may be a more elegant way to do it.