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"Domain" Spells for the Arcane


Well-known member
I have created a Custom "Deity of Arcane Magic" into my campaign. As a result, I want arcane users to have access to this Deity's custom spells if the PCs decide to worship them.

I am wanting the spells to be available in the list of spells for each Arcana based caster, but greyed out if they do not worship this particular god.

I am looking for a script to put in the spell that will check what god the PC worships; sort of as a prerequisite check. If the check is true, then the spell becomes available.

I am sure I will need the HasDeity.deiCustomDeityName tag in the check somewhere.

Would this work? Am I on the right track or way off?

if (hero.childfound[HasDeity.deiCustomDeityName].tagis[thing.activated] <> 0) then
I was thinking this as possible as a Pre-req. Thoughts?

@valid = 0

if (hero.childlives[deiCustomDeityName] <>0) then
if (hero.childfound[deiCustomDeityName].field[usrIndex].value = 0) then
@valid = 1
Okay, this works as a pre-req and will grey out the spell unless this particular god is worshiped.

@valid = 0

if (hero.childlives[deiRIPVon] <>0) then
if (hero.childfound[deiRIPVon].field[usrIndex].value = 0) then
@valid = 1

However, I am getting an error when I select the spell or do not.

"Attempt to access field 'usrIndex' that does not exist for thing 'deiRIPVon'
Okay, easy enough. All I needed to make this work properly was to take out the second if/then statement.

@valid = 0

if (hero.childlives[deiRIPVon] <>0) then

@valid = 1
