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Does Hero Labs have a Discord Server


Well-known member
Heya, not sure if this has ever been asked; and nothing came up on searching (both here on site and on any discord server lists), but does Hero Labs have a Discord server?

If yes, what is it... If not, can I create it? I feel the need to ask because I don't want to presume to do so without consent.
Heya, not sure if this has ever been asked; and nothing came up on searching (both here on site and on any discord server lists), but does Hero Labs have a Discord server?

If yes, what is it... If not, can I create it? I feel the need to ask because I don't want to presume to do so without consent.

Would HL benefit from one?
I think those of us who use the editor in Classic could benefit greatly from a Discord group. The message boards have been a great resource, but real-time discussion would be an amazing improvement.

I don't know anything about Discord (except how to login), so if there are any folks that are interested in joining, please respond on this thread. I'll take a shot at setting it up if there is any interest.
The link above no longer works, and I don't know if that server is active.
As an update to this thread in case anyone else wants to know - Lone Wolf has an official discord server: