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Different Colored Pins


New member
It would be really great if we could place pins of different colors.

This would allow us to pin different categories of information onto a map and tell at a glance which pins belong to which types of information.

My primary interest in this is to pin both creatures and location descriptions to the same dungeon map (allow me to quickly identify creatures at a glance while moving them around the map in real time). But there are a lot of other potential applications. For example, categorizing different location types on a city map.
Off the top of my head I can think of streets, houses, shops, offices and a town square that would benefit from different colours. That's just a city map, I'm sure there are plenty more!
Or a hexcrawl map where you can color code different types of keyed content so that you can tell at a glance whether a particular hex contains a huge and visible landmark; a smaller location; a wandering monster; etc.
+1 it would probably be smart to just make them hex colors that we can set. This way if we have a legend we can set the pins to the colors that correspond to the legend and customize them to our tastes.
+1 it would probably be smart to just make them hex colors that we can set. This way if we have a legend we can set the pins to the colors that correspond to the legend and customize them to our tastes.

Definite +1 for another reason. It would allow people who have difficulty seeing specific colors to be able to chose colors that make sense to them.
+1. This is a request that's been around since the Kickstarter and pre-release that really would be helpful. Colors and icons. Colors and icons.
Icons would be good. I'm using Hexographer to generate my base maps and realized that if I use icons in Hexographer I have to commit when I first make my map - if I change things later it gets messy or I have to re-do the smart image. Adding icons in RealmWorks would make it easier to add landmarks midway through a campaign.