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[DH AB3] Death Watch and Deamon Hunters.


New member
I have been playing 40k for a while. I still cannot find information about the Death Watch. If any one knows where the rules involving this army list please let me know. Also the data file for the 40k allies are not complete. Under the Deamon and Witch hunters codex both can be used as allies for any army to include the Space Marines. I found how to add the Deamon hunters to the roster.
Witchhunters is still under development. Deathwatch will be too since the new WD update

but don't quote me I am not the maintainer for those files.
Apparently there is an update for the Deathwatch in next month's UK WD, also the latest version of the 40K files (1.7) should allow the allies to be taken correctly
The updated rules for the Deathwatch are also in the June WD in the US (WD305). It shouldn't take too long for me to update them, they remained basically the same, except for the armory options for the Captain/Librarian. The biggest change (and I'm not happy with it) is that they cannot be taken by non-Codex SM Chapters anymore, so no more Deathwathc for the Space Wolves, Dark Angels, Blood Angels, and Black Templars.
Unless I am seriously mistaken, you never were allowed to take Death Watch with 'non codex' marines. Which means effectively 'only with Smurfs'. Certainly not with those chapters, White Scars, Fists...

At least now you can put them in a Razorback, which you couldn't before.
No, they were only prohibited with armies that had explicit restrictions on allies, like the 13th Company, and the 4th ed Dark Angels. Now you can only take them with Imperial Guard, Inquisition (Daemonhunters, Witch Hunters, Alien Hunders) and Space Marines out of the 4th Ed codex, so Ultramarines, Imperial Fists, Raven Guard, Salamanders, White Scars, Crimson Fists, etc are okay, just not the stand alone codex chapters.

I'm just mad because I've got a squad of ten that I can't use with my Wolves anymore. I can only use them with my Daemonhunters now.