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SR 5th ed. Dedicated Conjurer, how to add third spirit?


Active member
Adding the first two spirits I can summon with the dedicated conjurer was easy, but I am unsure how to add the third.
I think there was supposed to be an adjustment that would add a spirit to the summon list, but it's not there.
I've made one for my files, but I've not had time to post it. I will try and update the files later today.
Take a look at the description text of this ability as HL presents it - there's a note at the top of the description that gives the name of the adjustment to use for this.
Ok, I don't know what is going on here. The notes text on that one isn't showing once you've added the quality - it's only being shown before you purchase it, and the adjustment isn't being shown. There's something messed up here, and I'm really sorry about this - I thought I had this working correctly. I've added this to my to-do list.