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Deadlands: Reloaded


New member
Anyone know if there is a Deadlands : Reloaded mod?

Anyone working on one? :) I'm very new to the HL bandwagon, and I gotta admit I like it!

I've done some work on fixing some of the bugs, including the Grit properly adjusting with the character's rank. I also have material added for The Flood. Let me know if you'd like a copy.
The copy I've got (from that link) already has Flood material in it. That said, it's still quite old, so if you've got a newer, better, faster, etc version that that'd be cool ! Ben DOT turner AT pobox DOT com :)
Doing a revision to this file has been on my to do list for a while.

I will be doing some work on it when:

A) I know it's not going to be done officially. (I work on the Pathfinder stuff officially and don't want my fan stuff to step on any ones toes in an official manor)
B) The improvements are implemented. (So I can get Grit to work right)
C) I have time. (The big one)
Hey, dartnet, I found a way to do the Grit adjustment. It still won't add to Guts (timing issue) but it adjusts according to Rank.

<eval phase="Final" priority="5000" index="2">
field[trtFinal].value = field[trtBonus].value + field[trtInPlay].value + herofield[acNetPenal].value + herofield[acRank].value

As far as that goes, I'm working on Savage Worlds for Lone Wolf right now. If we were going to make an official one, I think your file would be the benchmark. I'd want you to get credit for all the work you did. We're trying to find a way to solve the timing issue so it can adjust the Guts skill, too. If you'll PM me your email address, I'll send you my current version of the file. Anything I can do to help out. I've made some tweaks to it. (I'm currently running a Deadlands The Flood campaign, so I've been using it quite a bit.) Thank you for all of your hard work from a dedicated fan.
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