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DC Heroes or Blood of Heroes?

I've thought about it, but my AK time has been seriously curtailed with a new job I took in May. :/
The license situation surrounding MEGS (The system that drives DC Heroes) is so nightmarish that even in this age of brazen retro-cloners nobody has been willing to touch it. And nobody can do a full revival because nobody knows who might actually have the rights among the multiple claimants.
Yeah, Mutants & Masterminds 3rd Edition is probably about as close as you're likely to see.

It is still substantially different. Powers are handled completely differently, for example, and the AV/EV/OV concept does not exist. Those new, smaller numbers are essentially D20 bonuses stripped from stats and made to stand alone.

Mind you, when applied to the DC Universe it seems to work, but it's not DC Heroes as we used to know it.
It is still substantially different. Powers are handled completely differently, for example, and the AV/EV/OV concept does not exist. Those new, smaller numbers are essentially D20 bonuses stripped from stats and made to stand alone.

Mind you, when applied to the DC Universe it seems to work, but it's not DC Heroes as we used to know it.

I didn't say it was the same, I said it was as close as you were likely to get in an in-print system.

Now, given that you can't actually IP raw game mechanics, if a sufficiently motivated group wanted to change the names of everything and roll that out, they might get some community funding, but I lost touch with the MEGS community years ago, so I have no idea if that's anywhere in the cards.

Probably be a pretty extensive Hero Lab project, too.
Probably be a pretty extensive Hero Lab project, too.

Enormous. A hundred or so powers, with with two different cost levels (one to just get the power at 0APs and more to increase its value), plus skills, nine attributes with two different cost levels, a very large pool of points which is intended to be scaled to match campaign power levels, a variety of mutually incompatible systems for creating gadget/equipment -- all of which change, sometimes dramatically, between editions -- and you get something that's an unholy mess to code.

RPGs aren't typically made like that anymore. DC Heroes was a brilliant late 1980s design. It doesn't match 2014 design philosophies well at all.
I've started work on these data files. Got the AP cost table build last night, and am moving on from there. I'll keep you all posted on my progress.
Those screen shots look quite promising, I know this thread is six months old, but has there been any further development on this?
I really need to dust this off, but I've got a bit done on this project (see attached). Left to do:

- Lots of data entry
- Gadgets are in good shape, but need to review
- Output
- Advancement


  • megs.jpg
    290.7 KB · Views: 25
  • megs2.jpg
    151.6 KB · Views: 17
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just a quick question. i noticed this was last month and so i was wondering if there was any update or even a file we could view? this looks really good and it would come in handy. thanks.
Blood of Heroes

Interesting creation and setup on the rules. Based on the issue that resulted in the Vista version. I’m going to take a gander and assume the descriptions will be generic. What’s the plan on the limitations and advantages for the powers like invisibility doubling the cost?
Interesting creation and setup on the rules. Based on the issue that resulted in the Vista version. I’m going to take a gander and assume the descriptions will be generic. What’s the plan on the limitations and advantages for the powers like invisibility doubling the cost?

I'd handle that with an eval script on the Invisibility thing (haven't gotten that deep yet, but eventually) that checks for the presence of the appropriate Bonus(es) and changes the BaseCost tag. Tags on powers look something like this:

	<tag group="PowerType" tag="Physical"/>
	<tag group="Range" tag="Self"/>
	<tag group="Type" tag="Auto"/>
	<tag group="BaseCost" tag="45"/>
	<!-- Factor Cost -->
	<tag group="FactorCost" tag="4"/>
Its interesting how the MEGs system is setup and I can see how you would handle change. I've been working on my own power file. I've just got to update the limitations.
I'd handle that with an eval script on the Invisibility thing (haven't gotten that deep yet, but eventually) that checks for the presence of the appropriate Bonus(es) and changes the BaseCost tag. Tags on powers look something like this:

	<tag group="PowerType" tag="Physical"/>
	<tag group="Range" tag="Self"/>
	<tag group="Type" tag="Auto"/>
	<tag group="BaseCost" tag="45"/>
	<!-- Factor Cost -->
	<tag group="FactorCost" tag="4"/>

I figured as much that it would need the variables for each one, but for the limitations if put under a different file would it require just calling that specific power?