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Dark Archieve Deviant Abilities


Well-known member
I purchased the Dark Archive and enabled Free Deviant Abilities....but when I go to updat the feats the only option is "Custom feat". So I set up the custom feat .....but they do not print all the detail on the character sheet. Will you add in the Dark Archive Feats and fix the custom feat printing? Or am I doing it wrong?
Above the list of feats, there are settings that let you filter down the list of what's shown - in normal cases, this removes a lot of clutter - what settings do you have turned on? Deviant feats are Rare, so don't set "Hide if GM approval needed", and in Validation levels Shown, set that to "Hide Nothing". Also, the "Hide Unusual Choices" will need to be turned off - the deviant feats are why we added that category, because otherwise, there's a block of deviant feats cluttering up the class feat list at every even level.