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D&D 5e Community Pack

I don't know if people have been wanting it or not, but I've been working on (the past year off-and-on) the Kineticist class from Pathfinder by converting it to a 5e format and making changes to descriptions to fit 5e's (such as removing the Move action text in a block). If people would like it added to the community files, I can toss it that way once I get the 4 core elements down (Earth, Fire, Water, Air). I plan to add everything in the class from the info I can find, so that includes Aether and Void (Wood is pointless).


For PC:
Go to here.
Find the Clone/Download button and download a zip of the current master branch.
Unzip that downloaded file into your HL 5e data folder (default: C:\ProgramData\Hero Lab\data\5e).
Restart Hero Lab if you had it open.
Pray it works.
If it doesn't delete anything that starts with COM_ in that 5e folder and re-download the supported version.

That's about as nontechnical as I can put it. If you know how to fix .user files or troubleshoot, you can take a chance with the not-fully-tested files or provide feedback in the issues section of the github.

Makes perfect sense, thanks.
Is there any ETA on when to expect the next community pack update with MToF as well as fixes to the previous pack (such as Tiefling racial feats not working for Tiefling characters)?
Anyone working on the new UA Class Variants? I have been messing with it and got a working version of the Ranger (not the beastmaster options yet) and the Sorcerer. I had to create them as new classes similar to the revised ranger, which was a real pain since you can't tag stuff in the SRD I had to make copies of a lot of stuff and include it in my new file. For the Ranger I tried to make it so each variant feature was a choice between the original feature and the new feature but you can only do up to 5 custom abilities like that in HLC so the Fade Away/Hide in plain sight options I just had to make 1 feature that simply says "Choose one of the following" but you will see both descriptions on your character sheet. I added the fighting styles as well but I don't know how to do eval scripts so not sure how to add the bonuses for the thrown or unarmed fighting. The druid cantrips work though!

Curious if anyone else is doing this too and how, and if it will be part of a future com pack update.
As much as I approve about many of the things in this new UA article, I am supremely upset at the lack of respect shown for the wizard in ti. As such, I will be boycotting all things associated with this particular UA article. I will NOT be the one putting in any time at all on it. If someone else wants to start chipping in on helping with the Community Pack, it would be greatly appreciated.

I have enough on my plate that I may never get completed. Also, of note; the cantrip ability for 1/2 caster's CANNOT be implemented currently due to hard coding in the program itself. I have asked several times since the concept was first introduced in the UA Artificer 2019, and so far we have had no joy on that front.

Odds are, the UA Artificer will never make it into the Community Pack, and I don't know if a finalized version of the Articier will make it due to current coding issues.
Since UA articles tend to change after feedback, I'm not sure anyone really wants to tackle it right away anyway.

The simple things, like the new fighting styles, metamagic options and pacts/invocations are likely to show up eventually since they don't involve touching the base class or making a copy of one. There is a post floating around showing how to make these items and how to extend the spell lists.

The big replacements/enhancements are likely to be problematic though. I've played around with them but a lot of scripts get broken in the subclasses. For example if I duplicate warlock, the #levelcount[Warlock] calls would all need to be replaced in warlock abilities to allow for the new ID of the duplicate (which would be something like UAWarlck
Adding new versions of each class is probably a non-starter, due to the issues dungeonguru outlined. Could another approach possibly be adjustments that replace the features? I can't claim to know how to put restrictions on them, but if we could make them class- and level-specific adjustments, that would give players the ability to choose whether to turn them on or off.
As much as I approve about many of the things in this new UA article, I am supremely upset at the lack of respect shown for the wizard in ti. As such, I will be boycotting all things associated with this particular UA article.

Wait, wut? Isn't this them trying to catch the other classes up to Wizards in the first place? :)
I added the metamagic options for Sorc as well as additions to the spell list into a file. But how do I get this file to be "toggle-able"? I would like to be able to turn off these lest I forget and think they are always an option (like if I have a character under a different DM who doesn't allow). Is this possible without creating a revisedClass?
wynlyndd, we'll need to add a source for this UA. I can take care of it, if you like. Once that's done, we'll assign the metamagic options (and everything else from the UA) to use that source. Then players can toggle the source on and off in each Hero's configuration screen.
wynlyndd, we'll need to add a source for this UA. I can take care of it, if you like. Once that's done, we'll assign the metamagic options (and everything else from the UA) to use that source. Then players can toggle the source on and off in each Hero's configuration screen.

Yeah, that's what I was wanting to do. Thanks, I wasn't sure if I described it well.
FYI, I’m working on Eberron. The Artificer is going to remain incomplete until Lone Wolf adds some coding changes, unfortunately. But I’m making progress on the races. See this page on the Github for more details.
Yeah, that's what I was wanting to do. Thanks, I wasn't sure if I described it well.

I was already making some updates to COM_Source_110 - Unearthed Arcana.1st, so I went ahead and added a source for the Class Feature Variants one. If you're working on the UA, you can copy that file from the Github so you'll have a source to put on the variants.
Hello, I just wanted to report and error with the pack:
Aura of Vitality, 3rd Level Paladin Spell, does not require concentration according to the spell description in the pack.
The PHB says that it should (p216).
I'm afraid I don't know how to use GitHub so I'm reporting it here.
Hiya! I'm trying to use specifically "Flying Horror" and "Mind Mage" from the Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica, however they don't seem to be added to the community pack. Is there anywhere else I can find this? Or would I need to add these in myself? Thanks in advance for the assist!
Hiya! I'm trying to use specifically "Flying Horror" and "Mind Mage" from the Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica, however they don't seem to be added to the community pack. Is there anywhere else I can find this? Or would I need to add these in myself? Thanks in advance for the assist!

Monsters from GGtR are not in the pack yet. Do you still need those? I could probably put them together for you.

Did you ever get an answer to this?

The finalized versions of those Tielfings, from MTOF, are in the community pack files on the GitHub, but have no been in an official release yet.
New 5e Pack released! Please give a big Thank You to Fenris447 for his fantastic job on getting this finished!

v2.3 January 25, 2020

  • Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus: all monsters and items added
  • Dungeon Master's Guide: Firearms released
  • Eberron: Rising from the Last War/Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron: New races, dragonmarked house subraces, the House Agent background, the double-bladed scimitar, and the Revenant Blade Feat have been added.
  • Ghosts of Saltmarsh: unique backgrounds, magic items
  • Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica: New PC races, new cleric domain, new druid circle, new backgrounds and factions, and a new spell
  • Locathah Rising: The Locathah player race has been added
  • Lost Mine of Phandelver: monsters
  • Magic the Gathering - Plane Shift Amonkhet: New races, backgrounds and cleric domains for planeswalkers from Amonkhet
  • Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes: New PC races, New Monsters
  • UA Eberron (2018): The 2018, prerelease versions of the Eberron races, dragonmarks, Revenant Blade feat, and the double-bladed scimitar, plus the aberrant dragonmark feat, are available through this UA file.
  • Custom Output for Fantasy Grounds - You can find the discussion thread on the forums http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=60176
  • DMG - Minor and major beneficial and detrimental properties have been added as Epic Boons with informational drop-down menus.
  • PHB (Merchant variant) - There is a new background choice for folks that wanted a Guild Merchant and decided to choose two languages but no Navigator's Tool proficiency. This will show up in the background lists as "Guild Merchant (Lang. Var.)".
  • PHB - Magic Initiate and Ritual Caster feats have been enhanced so that when Find Familiar is chosen, the Add a Familiar dialogue link will show up on the 1st class assigned to a PC. The link will show up on either the Spells tab or the Class tab. This feat does not work on NPCs, they will need to still use the Add Familiar or Add Companion adjustments.
  • Unearthed Arcana: Kits of Old - Added the Scout subclass for Fighter.
  • 2018 Errata Implemented - A lot of the 2018 errata changes are part of the SRD, which is controlled in Hero Lab by LWD. We've updated whatever is outside the SRD
  • SKT - A pig statblock has been added. You heard me.
  • Multiple - Many classes, langauges, races, and items have had missing sources added to them, and they will now only show up when the appropriate source is selected.
  • CoS - Haunted One background now grants 2 skill proficiencies as per errata corrections published.
  • DMG - Boon of Quick Casting was only working for classes that memorized spells, this has been fixed to include casters like warlocks and bards that spontaneously cast spells known.
  • DMG - Pelor's alignment has been fixed
  • DMG - Wave and the Staff of the Adder have been fixed to not show as standard weapons
  • LMOP - The Spider Staff has had its poison damage added
  • SCAG - Barbarian (Path of the Totem Warrior) - The Tree Ghost totem ability was not removing the Speak with Animals spell from the UI on the iPad. This has been addressed.
  • SCAG/XGTE (Sword Coast & Xanathars) - Rogue (Mastermind) - _Master of Intrigue_ was not granting the disguise kit and forgery kit profiencies as expected. This has been fixed.
  • UA Gothic - Fixed the Fighter Archetype of Monster Hunter for the Bonus Proficiencies.
  • UA Starter Spells - Fixed classes for many spells.
  • XGTE (Xanathar's Guide) - _Flames of Phlegethos_ and _Infernal Constitution_ were generating errors for the community Tiefling. Changed the prerequisite scripting to reflect the community replacements.
  • XGTE - All spells are now no longer marked "Not Allowed for Adventurers League Characters"
  • XGTE - Forge Domain abilities from _Soul of the Forge_ and _Saint of Forge and Fire_ were being granted at 1st level, this has been fixed and they properly add now.
  • XGTE - Path of the Kensei - Longsword and other weapons allowed by the _Path of the Kensei_ selections were not being marked as martial arts weapons and receiving the proper attribute bonus or damage at high level. This has been fixed.
  • XGTE - The Celestial (Warlock) - _Celestial Resilience_ was granting temporary hit points before level 10. This has been fixed and the entire adjustment will now show up as a temporary hit point pool on the In-Play tab so that the temporary hit points can be shown and removed correctly. An adjustment has also been created so that other players affected can choose the adjustment and get a temporary hit point pool with proper naming and behavior.
  • XGTE - Warlock Invocations - _Improved Pact Weapon_ was not granting the +1 bonus to magical weapons that did not already have a bonus (e.g. Flame Tongue weapons). This has been fixed.
  • XGTE - Pact Weapon/Hexblade - When a two-handed magic weapon was selected to be the Pact of the Blade weapon, the Hexblade Hex Warrior weapon selection was returning an invalid selection dialogue and an error was thrown. This is now functioning as intended.
  • Artificer (2019): Spells and cantrips must be manually added at level 1 due to programming limitations with Hero Lab. Should function normally at level 2 and beyond. Multiclassing rounds down, not up like it should, also due to programming limitations. Thus the Artificer is incomplete, and will remain that way without changes from LWD.
  • GGR - Tireless Precision's implementation is suboptimal and doesn't play nice with other proficiency adds
  • GGR - The Elf and Human races cannot be given the GGtR source
  • DMG - The amount of ammunition loaded into a firearm isn't currently trackable
  • DMG - Minor/major beneficial/detrimental item properties show up as selectable Epic Boons and have no scripting to implement their features.