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Custom merit to check for specialties


Active member
Hey folks,

Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere, but nothing pertinent came up on a quick forum search.

I'm trying to add a custom merit using the Editor tool that checks for a skill specialty. The specific merit I'm adding is from Slashers - Weaponry Monomaniac - which requires one dot in Weaponry and a weapon specialty. How would this be coded as a prerequisite?

Thanks for your help!
Interesting question. I think Rob is the person who's able to answer it - maybe you should send him a PM.
You can look at a number of things in Changeling for an example of how to iterate through the various specializations a character possesses. For example, the free Empathy specialty conferred by the Court of the South. The logic there is significantly more complex than you need for a simple validation rule, but the value of those examples is in seeing how the specializations are processed via a script.

Taking that "foreach" logic and adapting it to the validation rule you need simply entails looking for a specialization tied to the Weaponry skill. If such a specialization is found, the merit is valid. Anything else is invalid. So the resulting validation rule will look like below:
foreach pick in hero from Specialize
    validif (eachpick.tagis[Skill.sWeaponry] > 0)