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Community Created Files 1.8 and later

At this point, I would define "soon" as sometime during the month of August. I will start putting the release together, however, its my first time doing so and I don't want to screw it up. In addition, I am taking a vacation for the next couple of weeks, and my access to Hero Lab will be limited. In short, hopefully the next release will be available by the end of the month.
I have to say that I think it's awesome that this project is still going and getting help.

I've had a request for awhile (at least a year) that I never quite got, specifically the Focused Specialist variant class from Complete Mage. I tried to do it myself, but could never A) Make it a variant class, always had to make it as a custom class. B) Kept running into issues where the Specialized School and Forbidden Schools wouldnt appear. C) One quirk of the class is that you get less normal spells per level, so instead of one level 1 spell at first level, you get zero...but you would still get bonus spells based on intelligence modifier as if you did have a spell in the first place. Every time I lowered the initial one to zero, the bonus spells quit getting added.

Any help in finishing this one class variant would be extremly helpful. Every other DnD character I've ever made I've managed to get into HeroLab except for this one.
I have to say that I think it's awesome that this project is still going and getting help.

I've had a request for awhile (at least a year) that I never quite got, specifically the Focused Specialist variant class from Complete Mage. I tried to do it myself, but could never A) Make it a variant class, always had to make it as a custom class. B) Kept running into issues where the Specialized School and Forbidden Schools wouldnt appear. C) One quirk of the class is that you get less normal spells per level, so instead of one level 1 spell at first level, you get zero...but you would still get bonus spells based on intelligence modifier as if you did have a spell in the first place. Every time I lowered the initial one to zero, the bonus spells quit getting added.

Any help in finishing this one class variant would be extremly helpful. Every other DnD character I've ever made I've managed to get into HeroLab except for this one.

Added to the requests. I'll see what I can do. I haven't personally done much in the variant classes world, but I'm always up for new things.
Updated some stuff on the first page. Anyone who does their own editing should take a quick look.
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Finished cleaning up the Bard spell list. Also found an issue where none of the Frostburn spells had summary text. Fixed that as well. I think the duplicate spells are mostly coming from Complete Arcane, but I will try to be thorough as I go through the various spell lists.
In going through the various spell lists, I came across the inclusion of Staffs and Spells from Complete Mage in a Complete Divine file. I have created two new Complete Mage spells and am removing the previously existing ones to alleviate this. Everything I've done is noted in the first post of this thread.
I am also adding an additional file known as "Custom - Core Bug Fixes". This allows me to hide a spell I was otherwise unable to hide. I will also be using it to fix a few minor bugs in the core system until an official release is put out.
Beastmast from Complete Adventurer?

I thought the Complete Adventurer was already done but I cannot find the Beastmaster class listed. I do see the Bloodhound class am I just missing it or is it not added yet?
Does anyone know if the prestige classes from frostburn and sandstorm are in there? I cant seem to find any. Im wondering if just the spells were done.
I thought the Complete Adventurer was already done but I cannot find the Beastmaster class listed. I do see the Bloodhound class am I just missing it or is it not added yet?

Beastmaster hasn't been done. Not everything from CA has been put in. I plan to compile a list of things from each of the Complete books (and a few others) that are completed and what still needs to be done in the new year.
Does anyone know if the prestige classes from frostburn and sandstorm are in there? I cant seem to find any. Im wondering if just the spells were done.

The Frost Mage from Frostburn has been added, but that's the only prestige class from either book currently in the community set.
Is anyone working on the races from the Eberron campaign setting for D&D 3.5? The only suggestions I've seen on adding them myself seem to be targeted at Pathfinder.
Added a new request that was sent via email to shadow. If anyone has a request or question regarding the d20 community set, they can email me at my username here at gmail.