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Community Created 3.5 D&D data set....


Also thanks for the hint. Stripping worked! :)

I then reimported the 1.18 files but still have stormwrack and monsters of fearun in the list twice... would reimporting even help there? or should I do something else? is it even an actual issue? do the entries interfere with each other?

Sorry. I should have been more clear. I have fixed the issue, but it will be in the next release. For now, you can select both to make sure you aren't missing anything. After the next release you'll need to do the Strip Missing Sources thing again. Apologies for the inconvenience.
Sorry. I should have been more clear. I have fixed the issue, but it will be in the next release. For now, you can select both to make sure you aren't missing anything. After the next release you'll need to do the Strip Missing Sources thing again. Apologies for the inconvenience.

No worries! ^.^
Thanks for clearing it up!

Perfect! Now I can harass my players again! :D

(btw... there has been another issue I stumbled over, but I wasn't sure if it is already a known bug or something I missed. I made a Shade Shadowcaster/Master of Shadow (ToM) and the Master of Shadow class doesn't seem to advance the shadowcaster's casting ability, though it should. I worked around it with what I had and it wasn't that much of an issue, but I wanted to report it. Also the adjustment option to advance spellcasting ability doesn't seem to work on shadowcasters.)
No worries! ^.^
Thanks for clearing it up!

Perfect! Now I can harass my players again! :D

(btw... there has been another issue I stumbled over, but I wasn't sure if it is already a known bug or something I missed. I made a Shade Shadowcaster/Master of Shadow (ToM) and the Master of Shadow class doesn't seem to advance the shadowcaster's casting ability, though it should. I worked around it with what I had and it wasn't that much of an issue, but I wanted to report it. Also the adjustment option to advance spellcasting ability doesn't seem to work on shadowcasters.)

Thanks. I will look into it. Please don't hesitate to report any issues even if you think they may be known.

Update: There appears to be a number of issues regarding the Shadowcaster and the shadow Prestige Classes. I'll get these issues fixed for the next release.

Update 2: Ok, I made a number of changes to this area. Hopefully it will work a little better now.
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Thanks. I will look into it. Please don't hesitate to report any issues even if you think they may be known.

Update: There appears to be a number of issues regarding the Shadowcaster and the shadow Prestige Classes. I'll get these issues fixed for the next release.

Update 2: Ok, I made a number of changes to this area. Hopefully it will work a little better now.

Will do! And thanks A LOT! :D
Hero Lab and especially the community pack make DMing 3.5 so much easier! :D
I just wished there were more customizable output options...
Will do! And thanks A LOT! :D
Hero Lab and especially the community pack make DMing 3.5 so much easier! :D
I just wished there were more customizable output options...

There's a way to customize your output. There are some good ones for Pathfinder, and I think you can do some very similar things for d20. That is not my area of expertise, and I'm not terribly interested in figuring it out. Maybe someone else could work on that. It would be a nice addition to the community since it seems a lot of people print their characters out.
There's a way to customize your output. There are some good ones for Pathfinder, and I think you can do some very similar things for d20. That is not my area of expertise, and I'm not terribly interested in figuring it out. Maybe someone else could work on that. It would be a nice addition to the community since it seems a lot of people print their characters out.
To learn how to do custom output in HL go to "Help->Hero Lab Manual->Custom Output". Of course the more you know about XML, HTML, XSLT and maybe some javascript the better this will all work. In those cases you can easily find thousands of pages of help using google unlike the little to no documentation you will find for HL scripting. :)
There's a way to customize your output. There are some good ones for Pathfinder, and I think you can do some very similar things for d20. That is not my area of expertise, and I'm not terribly interested in figuring it out. Maybe someone else could work on that. It would be a nice addition to the community since it seems a lot of people print their characters out.
To learn how to do custom output in HL go to "Help->Hero Lab Manual->Custom Output". Of course the more you know about XML, HTML, XSLT and maybe some javascript the better this will all work. In those cases you can easily find thousands of pages of help using google unlike the little to no documentation you will find for HL scripting. :)

Oh cool, thanks, looks like reasonable options! :D
I didn't know I had access to those files.

As for the printouts... I don't like to digitalize pen and paper too much during play. reading in a book and having your NPCs as printouts at hand just feels a lot different and usually even works better and faster. That's what I normally use HL for...
Also you can always scare the shit out of your players when you slam that huge folder with all your printed campaign info on the table at the beginning of the session... usually accompanied with an evil grin... :D
I forgot how much I hated building spells into the system. :(

Halfway through the spells in Book of Exalted Deeds, everyone. After that is monsters and then I'm done with the book. :D
May whatever gods you believe in bless you for all your hard work. I was trying just to a little and found it daunting. Looking forward to seeing the results.
I'm sure I'm just being an idiot, but when I try to use this community content, I can't select it on the "Configure Hero" tab. It's just gray. I appreciate any help you guys could provide! Thanks!

EDIT: As I suspected, I was being an idiot. I've figured it out. Sorry for the useless post.
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I'm sure I'm just being an idiot, but when I try to use this community content, I can't select it on the "Configure Hero" tab. It's just gray. I appreciate any help you guys could provide! Thanks!

EDIT: As I suspected, I was being an idiot. I've figured it out. Sorry for the useless post.

No worries! Glad you got it figured out. :)
Hey guys,

I am going to introduce a hybrid Pathfinder/D&D 3.5 Skill system to my 3.5 game.
I'm currently trying to work around the 3.5 skill system in HL with all the adjustments available in the community pack, but it is still quite bumpy.
Is there any way to add custom skills to the skill list or rename existing ones? Is there any way to remove skills from the list that weren't added later?
These options alone would be awesome and extremely helpful.
An adjustment to maximum skill ranks and the skill points multiplier at first level would also be great, but not essential.

Don't know if this is the right thread to ask for these things, though. If there is a better one, could you point me in the right direction?

- Horrid
Hey guys,

I am going to introduce a hybrid Pathfinder/D&D 3.5 Skill system to my 3.5 game.
I'm currently trying to work around the 3.5 skill system in HL with all the adjustments available in the community pack, but it is still quite bumpy.
Is there any way to add custom skills to the skill list or rename existing ones? Is there any way to remove skills from the list that weren't added later?
These options alone would be awesome and extremely helpful.
An adjustment to maximum skill ranks and the skill points multiplier at first level would also be great, but not essential.

Don't know if this is the right thread to ask for these things, though. If there is a better one, could you point me in the right direction?

- Horrid

You can add skills through the editor.

I think you can also change the names of skills by making a new skill and using the replace thingid feature. You could also probably just make a script that's on all heroes that goes through the skills and changes any names you want to change as an alternative. I have not tested either of these options out, though.

Not sure about removing skills.

I would assume that the max skill rank and multiplier are fields somewhere either on the hero or on the skill itself. I haven't looked for them, but I would imagine they could be manipulated.
Was wondering if Collegiate Wizard would be included in the future?
Or Psiforged Body.
And this is the big one:
CUSTOM WANDS (see big font, big one)
Custom Scrolls exist, and I think custom wands are in PF. What would I need to do to transfer a script for Custom Wands to d20?
