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SR 5th ed. Coding issue with cyberlimb optimization.


New member
I am trying to create a custom script for a cyberlimb optimization variant for heavy weapons, based off of the evo atlantean one, but everytime I try and test it I get the following error; Hero Lab was forced to stop compilation after the following errors were detected: Syntax error in 'eval' script for Thing 'auHeavy1' (Eval Script '#1') on line 4
-> Tag 'Duplicate.auHeavy1' not defined

How do I fix this? Can post the script if needed.
It sounds like you are trying to reference a tag without creating it first.

I'm guessing you altered some code and made it reference a new "Duplicate" tag so that it only triggers one time?

Is the Duplicate Tag being added to the hero? If so, try writing in the tag on this thing as well. If not, you might have to make a tag holder on the simple tab. Just a blank thing with nothing except the tag so that it is pre-defined.