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Cleric Domains


New member
I would appreciate any helpful direction for creating and adding domains including added spells and armor/ weapon proficiency. I seem to not be able to do this on my own..
Well, I think your best bet will be to copy the existing domain and see how it does things like adding proficiency and bonus spells. Then you can delete or replace the abilities it adds which don't suite the domain you're trying to create with the new abilities you make.
Found cClrLife or the Life Domain under Custom Ability in the Class tab.

So...I see...cClrDeath (for instance) as a suggested domain but there's no actual thing for that?
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Found cClrLife or the Life Domain under Custom Ability in the Class tab.

So...I see...cClrDeath (for instance) as a suggested domain but there's no actual thing for that?

Good to know its under the Custom Ability. I was looking for a separate tab as that is the way it's setup under Pathfinder Editor.
The way it was in the pathfinder system was an artifact of the early days when things were carried over from 3.5 and so when given the chance to make them fit the pattern of everything else added to a table on the class tab we took it. Yes, domains are just another Custom Special ability now.