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Class Archetype Error - no levels in Kineticist for abilities


Well-known member
I'm creating a Swashbuckler archetype that utilizes Kineticist abilities, but I can't figure out how to make it register levels in Swashbuckler as partial levels in Kineticist. All of the Kineticist abilities are showing similar error messages - that they require levels in Kineticist to be valid. I've tried expr-reqs like, "#custspeciallevelcount[Kineticis *and Swashbuck*] = #totallevelcount[]/2", "#totallevelcount[Kineticis] = #totallevelcount[Swashbuck]/2", and "#custspeciallevelcount[Kineticis *and Swashbuck*] = 10", but I still can't get it to register anything, if it even works at all. Does anybody have any suggestions? :confused:
I'd recommend quoting the actual rules you're trying to implement - I don't understand your goal.

Also, is what you are posting, with "*" characters inside the [], what you're actually typing into the expr-req text box in the editor? If so, where did the examples you're drawing from come from, because that's entirely made up code, unrelated to how Hero Lab works.

I'd approach this by finding similar examples in existing Paizo material - knowing what you're trying to accomplish would help there, because then I can do text searches for the exact phrasing Paizo used on AoN, and see if there's similar things I can point you to, to copy from.
I'm trying to create a workaround Variant Multiclass Kineticist because my original attempt at that had far too many errors that I couldn't find in the forums or in the tutorials (at least, that made sense to me). I started by simply copying every aspect of the Kineticist class into the file that I could, verbatim, but my biggest holdup there was 'Agent pick is referenced by template '(a dozen different IDs)' but no agent pick is defined'. It also displayed the Secondary Class tab as Magus for some reason, which I couldn't figure out, so here I am in the Archetype Editor.

The "*" characters inside the [] was just a shorthand for saying that I tried both "Kineticis" AND "Swashbuck" both separately in that script (instead of writing out 2 slightly different versions of the script right after each other). Also, what's AoN?
AoN - Archives of Nethys: https://www.aonprd.com/ it's an online collection of the PF1/SF/PF2 rules and content.

The exact code you've tried would help figure out what's going wrong - I don't follow what you have tried.

And I still can't follow what it is you're trying to accomplish - what your overall goal is.
Wait, AoN has Hero Lab code?? Where??

My main goal right now is getting either
A) the Secondary Class (Kineticist) to both show up as Kineticist (instead of Magus) in the Secondary Class tab and to display the Kineticist class features in that tab, or, failing that,
B) the Archetype-workaround (Kineticist) to process character levels as class levels in Kineticist so that the class features register as valid (they currently take issue with how the character doesn't have any levels in Kineticist).
No, AoN doesn't have HL code. What I was looking for was rules text like "You may add half your levels in kineticist to your levels in swashbuckler to determine whether you qualify for [whatever]", and then find key phrases in that, look them up on AoN, and find existing things from Paizo books that are already in HL and in HL, look up how they work.
A) What is a "secondary class"?

B) if you've added an archetype to the kineticist class, why would that need any special handling to count as kineticist? If that's not what you're doing, then I'm still not understanding your project.
Here's what I've got for the Secondary Class (Kineticist):
Main Options
-Secondary class of: Kineticist (SecClass.cHelpKin)
-Class Special Abilities: (unmodified Bootstraps for Kinetic Blast, Burn, Elemental Overflow, etc, all with 'Gaint at Lvl' = to the base class)
-Custom Ability Count: 0,6,14 (same as base class)
-Custom Ability Name: Elemental Focus
-Custom Ability Plural: Elemental Focus and Expanded Elements
-Allow Custom Abilities: Kineticist (AllowCust.cHelpKin)
-Hide custom abilities on the statblock?: Check
-Secondary Ability Count: 0 (99)
-Secondary Ability Name: Kinetic Blast
-Optional Secondary Abilities?: Check
-Hide secondary abilities on the statblock?: Check
-Secondary statblock: Special Attacks
-Tertiary Ability Count: 6(99)
-Optional Tertiary Abilities?: Check
-Hide tertiary abilities on the statblock?: Check
-Tertiary statblock location: Special Attacks
-Quaternary Ability Count: 0,2,4,8,10,12,16,18
-Quaternary Ability Name: Infusion
-Hide quaternary abilities on the statblock?: Check
-Quintenary Ability Count: 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19
-Quintenary Ability Name: Utility Wild Talent
-Hide quintenary abilities on the statblock?: Check
-Source Page Number: 10
-Sources: Occult Adventures (OccultAdv)

Fields (Field Id followed by Value)
cPecSing - Elemental Focus
cSpecName - Elemental Focuses and Expanded Elements
cSpec2ndSi - Kinetic Blast
cSpec3rdSi - Composite Blast
cSpec4thSi - Infusion
cSpec5thSi - Utility Wild Talent
srcPageNum - 10

Tags (Group Id, Tag Id, Name and Abbrev are the same)
SecClass, cHelpKin, Kineticist
SQListHIde, Primary, Primary
AllowCust, cHelpKin, (NOTHING, can't find what to add here)
Helper, OptCustSec, OptCustSec
SQListHide, Secondary, Secondary
CstS2Type, Attack, Special Attacks
Helper, OptCustTer, OptCustTer
SQListHide, Tertiary, Tertiary
CstS3Type, Attack, Special Attacks
SQListHide, Quaternary, Quaternary
SQListHide, Quintenary, Quintenary
LGClTable1, KinetElem, Kineticist Focus
LGClTable2, KinetBlast, Kineticist Blast
LGClTable3, KinetBlaCo, Kineticist Composite Blast
LGClTable4, KinetInfu, Kineticist Infusion
LGClTable5, KinetUtil, Kineticist Utility Wild Talent
CSCountAs, Kineticis, Kineticist

nothing additional except for the 31 generated by the Main Options
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The Secondary Class is a Variant Multiclass - I know how to remove features and change which levels features are gained at, but I'm not going to try and mess with those until I can get it to at least display the features and name properly without yelling at me with a dozen errors, all some variant of the following:
Agent pick is referenced by template 'fillintheblank', but no agent pick is defined (fillintheblank examples: cTitle, cIsInfo, cIsTurn, cHelpStats, powerinfo, spellinfo)
Attempt to access non-existent field 'cMaxLevel' from script with no ability to do so. Location: Procedure 'cAtkInfo' near line 6