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Clan Attributes


New member
During the Advancement process, I noticed that the extra dot that a Vampire recieves due to his clan does not count toward the total dots. There if you have Wits of 3 and one of those dots is from the Clan, the Advancement to raise Wits to 4 will only cost 15xp rather than 20xp. Nothing major, but I noticed it. thanks.

At 02:50 PM 2/27/2008, you wrote:
During the Advancement process, I noticed that the extra dot that a Vampire recieves due to his clan does not count toward the total dots. There if you have Wits of 3 and one of those dots is from the Clan, the Advancement to raise Wits to 4 will only cost 15xp rather than 20xp. Nothing major, but I noticed it. thanks.
Thanks for flagging this. It's been fixed in the latest update.