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Character Folders

Is there any chance we could get a folder setup for our characters? It's all well and good for a player with just one or two characters, but I run a regular game of eight players and a couple other games on the side. It would be nice If we could organize them into campaign folders or some such thing.
I would like to give this an up-vote also. We need a way to organize characters by campaign. I have a tendency to reuse the same name across groups, and the current layout is hard to find stuff.
This general area is already on our short list to get some attention. :) We won't be providing ALL the bells and whistles in the first go-round, but you should see some definite improvements in the weeks ahead. :)
Excellent! Just that and uploadable character portraits so I can stop having to Photoshop every sheet and I'll be golden!

At least until we can build npcs in alien archive. That's what I'm looking forward to hardcore.