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Champions of Fenris primary detachment


New member

With the new update of WH40k files i am unable to create a SW list with Champions of Fenris as my primary detachment.
I can create a ChoF primary det, but when i add characters into it they still use rules and relics from Codex:SW.

Yet, it is possible to add units with CHoF rules to my Allied Det, but that's not the point. How can I fix this?
When it doubt, the best thing to do is to submit a bug report via the instructions in this thread so that the community volunteers can look into the issue or, better yet, check the reported bugs on the www.ab40k.org bug tracker to see if it's a known issue.
Space Wolves - Champions of Fenris

The Champions of Fenris supplement was on Army Builder shortly after its release, then it went to being on in the allies section, and now it's just gone. Any ideas on why and or how that happened??!!
I hope it's back soon.

End of Line
Today not only is the Champions of Fenris detachment gone, but the Allied and Combined Arms detachments are missing as well. What is going on? Is this a settings issue?