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Card Vault: Magic the Gathering


Hello Magic the Gathering players! Unfortunately, the Card Vault volunteer can no longer support MTG with updates. If you're interested in taking over development of the files, please send an email to support@wolflair.com. Thanks!
Has anyone volunteered to take this up? If not, I will send an email to the above address when I get to my home computer. I can take this up as I've recently gotten back into Magic and am modifying the data files anyway.
First-pass restructured data is done (I've moved all the artist info into the .dat file) and broken urls are fixed. I was in the process of adding the Oath of the Gatewatch set, but that was taking me too long to do manually (2-3 hours a day for the last week+), so last night I started writing some software that will take the data in a csv and will write it out as a Card Vault file. I found software on the net that polls the data from Gatherer and writes it out as a csv file. I'm almost finished with that software, so I'm thinking I'll have all the sets not currently in Card Vault finished by end of next week!! :)
First-pass restructured data is done (I've moved all the artist info into the .dat file) and broken urls are fixed. I was in the process of adding the Oath of the Gatewatch set, but that was taking me too long to do manually (2-3 hours a day for the last week+), so last night I started writing some software that will take the data in a csv and will write it out as a Card Vault file. I found software on the net that polls the data from Gatherer and writes it out as a csv file. I'm almost finished with that software, so I'm thinking I'll have all the sets not currently in Card Vault finished by end of next week!! :)
