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[Bug Reports] Storm of Magic

Just in case anyone is restless waiting for Age of Sigmar... this table lists Abhorrent, Binding Scroll, or Kinship for all the monsters in SoM and MA. We play that you can add anything on this list as a Special choice if you have Kinship. This was to keep the choices aligned with the lore of your army. It's a great table, would be fantastic if Army Builder could adapt it somehow.

Just in case anyone is restless waiting for Age of Sigmar... this table lists Abhorrent, Binding Scroll, or Kinship for all the monsters in SoM and MA. We play that you can add anything on this list as a Special choice if you have Kinship. This was to keep the choices aligned with the lore of your army. It's a great table, would be fantastic if Army Builder could adapt it somehow.


Will review