Bug reporting for Frog God Games files (Including Tome of Horrors Complete)
To report bugs with the Frog God Games files, including Tome of Horrors Complete and Rappan Athuk, you can go to Frog God Games Support and open a new ticket.
Under Help Topic, you can select FGG -Rappan Athuk, FGG - Tome of Horrors Complete, or Frog God Games General.
Under Department select Frog God Games.
Please provide as much information as possible so that we can try to work to correct the issue in a timely fashion.
We have a lot of adjustments that we are trying to do for both the ToHC files as well as the RA files, and hope to have more information on them in the near future.
**You could also send an e-mail to deepcavefrogs (at) gmail (dot) com with the same information and it will get reported through the bug reporting system.**
If you are receiving the following errors with your Rappan Athuk file,
Please see this post.
Deep Cave Frogs
To report bugs with the Frog God Games files, including Tome of Horrors Complete and Rappan Athuk, you can go to Frog God Games Support and open a new ticket.
Under Help Topic, you can select FGG -Rappan Athuk, FGG - Tome of Horrors Complete, or Frog God Games General.
Under Department select Frog God Games.
Please provide as much information as possible so that we can try to work to correct the issue in a timely fashion.
We have a lot of adjustments that we are trying to do for both the ToHC files as well as the RA files, and hope to have more information on them in the near future.
**You could also send an e-mail to deepcavefrogs (at) gmail (dot) com with the same information and it will get reported through the bug reporting system.**
If you are receiving the following errors with your Rappan Athuk file,
"The data files could not be loaded due to errors. Hero Lab will now attempt to load them in recovery mode. Once loaded, you can access the editor as normal to correct any errors.
The following errors occured:
File: FrogGodGames_Sources.1st (line 4) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('pFrogGod')
File: FrogGodGames_Sources.1st (line 12) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('pFGGMonst')
File: FrogGodGames_Sources.1st (line 37) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('bTomeHorr')"
Please see this post.
Deep Cave Frogs
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