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[Bug Report] Kingdom of Equitaine


New member
I found two things in the latest AB for 9th Age that are incorrect:

[PROBLEM IS FIXED] 1. In the magical weapons list, the Dragon Lance is missing

Dragon Lance ​(45 / 35 pts)
Type: Lance. The wielder gains Breath Weapon (Strength
3, Flaming Attacks). Attacks with this weapon have
Multiple Wounds (D3) in the Round of Combat directly
after the wielder has charged into combat. This bonus
can only be applied to attacks directed against the
charged enemies.

2. Bug Wafers of Penitence
When I select a Damsel or Great Damsel, you can select the Wafers of Penitence as an Arcane Item. That is correct. But if you select any enchanted item next to this, it says you can't have 2 enchanted items...

Arcane Items
Wafers of Penitence ​ (15 pts)
Generate D3+1 Wafers before the battle, at the end of
Deployment. When making a Dispel Attempt, after
rolling Dispel Dice, the bearer may decide to use a single
Wafer to add +1 modifier to the dispel roll (this is an
exception to the Magic Modifiers rule). Once used, a
Wafer cannot be used again.
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I found two things in the latest AB for 9th Age that are incorrect:

[PROBLEM IS FIXED] 1. In the magical weapons list, the Dragon Lance is missing

Dragon Lance ​(45 / 35 pts)
Type: Lance. The wielder gains Breath Weapon (Strength
3, Flaming Attacks). Attacks with this weapon have
Multiple Wounds (D3) in the Round of Combat directly
after the wielder has charged into combat. This bonus
can only be applied to attacks directed against the
charged enemies.

2. Bug Wafers of Penitence
When I select a Damsel or Great Damsel, you can select the Wafers of Penitence as an Arcane Item. That is correct. But if you select any enchanted item next to this, it says you can't have 2 enchanted items...

Arcane Items
Wafers of Penitence ​ (15 pts)
Generate D3+1 Wafers before the battle, at the end of
Deployment. When making a Dispel Attempt, after
rolling Dispel Dice, the bearer may decide to use a single
Wafer to add +1 modifier to the dispel roll (this is an
exception to the Magic Modifiers rule). Once used, a
Wafer cannot be used again.

Fixed in 1.16
Hippogryph options

There are no options to give the Hippogryph mount Armor Piercing or Devastating charge (5pts each), as states in the army book (Kingdom of Equitaine Army Book pg 8)
There are no options to give the Hippogryph mount Armor Piercing or Devastating charge (5pts each), as states in the army book (Kingdom of Equitaine Army Book pg 8)

Yes there is you must select your hippogryph mount then you will find the upgrades since they are part of the mount not the character

Let me know if you cannot locate it.
Peasant bowmen "Brigands" upgrade does not include skirmishers.
Skirmishers is a separate upgrade for an additional 1 point per model, inconsistent with Army book (pg 10).
Fix = include skirmishers in the "Brigands" upgrade and remove "Skirmishers" upgrade if "Brigands" is selected.
Peasant bowmen "Brigands" upgrade does not include skirmishers.
Skirmishers is a separate upgrade for an additional 1 point per model, inconsistent with Army book (pg 10).
Fix = include skirmishers in the "Brigands" upgrade and remove "Skirmishers" upgrade if "Brigands" is selected.

Fixed DL same release
Peasant Bowman validation error

I may be doing something wrong, but I often get a validation error on my Peasant Bowman units.
The rulebook states that there is a 100 maximum.
My current lists have anywhere from 30 to 60 bowman, but I seem to occasionally get this error in the validation results at the bottom of the printout.
I may be doing something wrong, but I often get a validation error on my Peasant Bowman units.
The rulebook states that there is a 100 maximum.
My current lists have anywhere from 30 to 60 bowman, but I seem to occasionally get this error in the validation results at the bottom of the printout.

This error can occur if you have the roster size set to less then 3000 point because then Warbands count restrictions are in effect. You may also find it when you start at Warbands size then change to roster size to above Warbands. If it does just remove the bowmen unit to clear the error then add them back in. Additionally you may find this error as in a Warband setting you can only have 2 units in the army total.

DL release 1.38 or higher again
Barded Warhorse missing Devastating Charge?

I might be wrong here, but I thought I'd post anyway.

In Ninth Age 2.0, shouldn't a Barded Warhorse keep the Devastating Charge (+1 STR, +1 AP) rule when added to a Duke or Paladin.
It's not showing in the list of universal rules. It's getting swiftstride instead.

Along that same line, the swiftstride rule for a Barded Warhorse is appearing when given to a Paladin or Duke, but not for the other knight types (they have the Devastating Charge rule instead).

Am I missing something? Shouldn't a Barded Warhorse have both swiftstride (because it's cavalry) and Devastating Charge because of the rule on page 10 in the Kingdom of Equitaine rulebook?
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I might be wrong here, but I thought I'd post anyway.

In Ninth Age 2.0, shouldn't a Barded Warhorse keep the Devastating Charge (+1 STR, +1 AP) rule when added to a Duke or Paladin.
It's not showing in the list of universal rules. It's getting swiftstride instead.

Along that same line, the swiftstride rule for a Barded Warhorse is appearing when given to a Paladin or Duke, but not for the other knight types (they have the Devastating Charge rule instead).

Am I missing something? Shouldn't a Barded Warhorse have both swiftstride (because it's cavalry) and Devastating Charge because of the rule on page 10 in the Kingdom of Equitaine rulebook?

Fixed, DL release 2.27 or higher again