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Bretonnian Pegasus knights and pegasus paladin Armor Save


Well-known member
Why do Pegasus knights have a save 0f 3+, while a pladin on pegasus with armor and shield... only 4+?

I think it should be 3+... for both.
Pegasus Knights have a rule (Flying Cavalry p.55 Bret Armybook) that allows them to gain the +1 armor for mounted, whereas a character on a pegasus is concidered to be riding a monster mount which does not confer the extra armor...This rule also makes the Knight US 2 while most flying units have an obligatory US of 1...The Character OTOH has a US of 3 (2 for the pegi 1 for the rider)...

Another example a Duke on a Hippogriph doesn't get the armor bonus either...