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Brand new user - Space Marine 'Combat Squads'


New member
Hi All

Firstly, this is a wonderful product! I'm sitting here with my newly arrived Codex for Space Marines and am building up my army list.

I'm working on a Demi Company, now when the army builder loads the 40k 7th edition rules it pops up with a message about 'Combat Squads' being used.

However I'd like the option of not splitting one of my three permitted tactical sqauds and having it act as a ten man squad, this would be done normally by adding 5 more space marines to the given squad.

Only problem is that I can't figure out how to do this, or alternatively just not use the 'Combat Squad' rule and fully populate my tactical sqauds with 10 marines each.

Is there any way to do this?

It is very easy and I am sure by now you have figured it out.

Click on the squad you want to add more marines too and then go to the top right corner of the box you are already in, you will see a + sign and a - sign. Click on the + sign 5 times. Done.