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Well-known member
What WOD books are in the official release? I am trying out the demo and it only lists Rome in addition to the Core Rules, Vampire, & Armory. I would love to use this product but I really need the rest of the new WOD books and at least the bloodline books for Requiem.
The data files only include the core WoD book, core VtR book, Armory, and RfR. We provide the integrated Editor and full tutorials on how to add whatever additional material you may want. It's actually quite easy to add the content you want.

There are also some users who have posted on the forums in the past that they have added large chunks of the WoD content. So you might consider asking them for their data files.
Cool. Thanks!

Does anybody have the data files? I'd really like the bloodline books and the covanant books. Thanks
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