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Avenger Strike Fighter IA for Militarum


There is no Avenger Strike Fighter

I know 8th ed has most of the rules in the books, including the indexes, however I still need to be able to include it in my Sisters of Battle army even if it is part of the Astra Militarum part of the forces, The new rules allow me to take it as an allied unit.

I have tried searching for it in the latest 8th ed lone wolf patch, to no evail. It should be in the Fast attack or Heavy support options for the Militarum forces once you tick the IA box in the "Change Rules" option.

Can the Avenger be added into the list thank you.

I know a lot of Sisters purists like myself want to be able to field it as we traditionally included it in the Sisters armies we built in 6th and 7th edition.
