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Assests and Complications


No matter what I do I keep getting validation warnings (overspent) on the assests and complications tab, even when they even out. Also, when I select Athletic, the program keeps asking for a specialty, but the program won't let me pick one. Anyone have a clue 'cause I sure don't.

Keep flyin'.
I'll need more information to diagnose this problem. Which game system(s) have you selected (I'm guessing Serenity from the "Keep flyin'")? What level of character power did you select? How many trait points does that level provide? On the basics summary panel or the basics tab, if you move your mouse over the lists of points used/left, do you agree with the summaries that are listed there? If not, what's different?

For Athletic, if you're not able to select anything, it should have given you a warning when you purchased it that you don't have any Athletics specialties yet. Go to the skills tab, purchase the Athletics skill at d6, then purchase one or more specialties for it, and you'll be able to select one of them.
I get this problem occasionaly as well with supernatural and serenity settings both. And its completlty random when it happens. I can make 4 characters in a row and be just fine and then all of a sudden i have it happen on the next character.
Here are two characters i did i the same instance of having the program open, the serenity character was fine ans the vasquez chgaracter had the issues


I see no trait errors on either portfolio. The trait costs add up properly, and the only validation error is in the Serenity I portfolio - that character has Ranged Weapons d4 and a Ranged Weapons specialty.

I guess take a screenshot is the best I can suggest. Sorry I can't help at this point.