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Am I complete idiot? How does 4e work?

Knave of Spades

New member
Hey there! So I have been using HL for years, mostly for Pathfinder, Starfinder, 5e and Shadowrun.

I was feeling nostalgic and wanted to show mt friends 4e. However, I cannot seem to figure out how. Anytime I try to use 4e in HL I am stuck in demo mode, and essentially can't use the software for its purpose. I tried to purchase the data pack since that's the only hint it gives me to get it to work. However, I cannot find a 4e pack. Only an authoring kit in Savage Worlds.

Am I missing a very obvious way to use HL for 4e?
The Authoring kit pack includes two sample games with all their code available to view - Savage Worlds and 4e. So buying that pack will give you both Savage Worlds and 4e, along with the authoring kit, so that if you get other user-created game systems, you can use those outside demo mode, too.
That was great for us, since we had already been playing Savage Worlds when another GM in the group started the 4e game.