Can anyone enlighten me on how to make a lifestyle for an AI? its usually called a home device, but i see no option in hero lab for it.
Also, im looking forward to the day when(if, but here is hoping!! ) we don't have to make adjustments for sustaining foci. (I may be doing it wrong and its already there -_-;; there should be a wiki or something for this program.[may already be one and ive not noticed cause my google-fu is weak!])
Love this program :3
Also, im looking forward to the day when(if, but here is hoping!! ) we don't have to make adjustments for sustaining foci. (I may be doing it wrong and its already there -_-;; there should be a wiki or something for this program.[may already be one and ive not noticed cause my google-fu is weak!])
Love this program :3