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Adding Races for Dark Sun


Well-known member
I am working on stating up the races for the missing Pterran and Aarokocra from the Dark Sun campaign and was wondering how I would have to write the code to get a pull down tab for a choice between two ability score increases. I know that there is a way to do this and was wondering what I would have to do to get that coded for my custom races.

Any help would be appreciated :)
Thank you. I appreciate it. I have been hard at work on converting the Pterran race and aarakocra race for use in Dark Sun.
Unfortunately I never got around to doing it. My group had given up on playing 4e and we haven't revisited it.
The reason they aren't in HL is because they aren't in the Compendium

I just logged into it (figured I could do the data entry) but I can't even find them in it.
The reason they aren't in HL is because they aren't in the Compendium

I just logged into it (figured I could do the data entry) but I can't even find them in it.

They never were. The conversion was intended to be from 2e to 4e but I never got around to doing it. I was going to add it to the existing data through a .user file but my players decided to just switch systems rather than deal with the extra work to make the races for 4e.
How hard it is to add a race? Besides the conversion to 4E, I wish there was a "template or form" that could be used to just do Data input from scratch, I understand the Editor but something even simpler where it fill in this choose that and then it auto adds with out having to do all the code work. Sometimes I wish I could just read/write/speak code language stupid taking all those art skill slots.