I am an utter greenhorn at custom data stuff but here goes
so I was modifying a Druid yesterday because one of the options I had taken for nature Bond is an utter mess rule-wise and decided that the easiest way to fix it was to go with an Inquisition rather than a domain or animal companion ...
well guess what - Hero lab does not give this as an option - and yes I have the relevant research to back this up as a legal option posted Below
Ultimate Magic P 41...
Inquisitions are intended for inquisitors, not for other classes that give access to domains. While a cleric or other domain-using class can select an inquisition in place of a domain (if appropriate to the character’s deity), inquisitions do not grant domain spell slots or domain spells, and therefore are much weaker choices for those classes. These other classes use the appropriate class level as their inquisitor level for the purpose of inquisition
My Deity is Erastil and the Inquisition I want to take is Valor
Ultimate Magic Page 42 .... Table 1-2

so the issue I'm having is being able to create a data sheet that adds Inquisitions (or in this case this particular Inquisition) as an Option to Nature Bond
Be it a feat, Archtype, adding to nature bond or whatever ....
or whatever other soultions there might be
heck even adding a Spell-Like ability to get the remove fear 3x/day+ wisdom mod and a SU for Immunity to fear would work and just leave nature bond option Blank
the best option in the end would be a full update to add this but I know pf1e support has gone the way of the dodo
so I was modifying a Druid yesterday because one of the options I had taken for nature Bond is an utter mess rule-wise and decided that the easiest way to fix it was to go with an Inquisition rather than a domain or animal companion ...
well guess what - Hero lab does not give this as an option - and yes I have the relevant research to back this up as a legal option posted Below
Ultimate Magic P 41...
Inquisitions are intended for inquisitors, not for other classes that give access to domains. While a cleric or other domain-using class can select an inquisition in place of a domain (if appropriate to the character’s deity), inquisitions do not grant domain spell slots or domain spells, and therefore are much weaker choices for those classes. These other classes use the appropriate class level as their inquisitor level for the purpose of inquisition
My Deity is Erastil and the Inquisition I want to take is Valor
Ultimate Magic Page 42 .... Table 1-2

so the issue I'm having is being able to create a data sheet that adds Inquisitions (or in this case this particular Inquisition) as an Option to Nature Bond
Be it a feat, Archtype, adding to nature bond or whatever ....
or whatever other soultions there might be
heck even adding a Spell-Like ability to get the remove fear 3x/day+ wisdom mod and a SU for Immunity to fear would work and just leave nature bond option Blank
the best option in the end would be a full update to add this but I know pf1e support has gone the way of the dodo
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