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Add Strength to Damage from Daggars

I have a power that allows the user to add a flat bonus to damage with a melee finesse weapon equal to their Strength score, in addition to the bonus from Dex. I've figured out how to add a static/flat modifier, but not how to do so with the character's actual strength.

Here's what I have so far:

hero.child[Damage].field[dmmBonus].value += 2

Phase: Post-Attributes
Timing: 9000
Index: 1

Any help with it would be appreciated.
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It's gonna get finicky if your STR is higher than your DEX, since a finesse weapon will automatically use the higher of the two. But if you're limiting it to personal use on a character with a higher DEX, this should do it. Throw it into a .user file and add it as an adjustment:

  <thing id="pSTRtoFin" name="Add STR to DEX Finesse Weapon Damage" compset="InPlay">
    <tag group="OthAdjCat" tag="Equipment"/>
    <tag group="Helper" tag="NoIncr"/>
    <eval phase="Final" priority="10000"><![CDATA[doneif (field[pIsOn].value = 0)

foreach pick in hero from BaseWep where "wProperty.Finesse"
     eachpick.field[wDamAttr].value += hero.childfound[aSTR].field[aModBonus].value
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