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503/500 errors on HLO


Well-known member
I just got kicked out of my character and can’t get back in...

I thought there was supposed to be some sort of cache/offline mode we could use?
That would also require data export functionality which is another item on the future enhancements roadmap.

edit: This is planned downtime that was announced yesterday afternoon. HLO should be back up in 10-15 minutes based on the expectations that were set in this message.
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That would also require data export functionality which is another item on the future enhancements roadmap.

edit: This is planned downtime that was announced yesterday afternoon. HLO should be back up in 10-15 minutes based on the expectations that were set in this message.

Forum post would have been nice for those of us who avoid the Twitter verse for blood pressure reasons ;)
Holy crow! I hope this is fixed soon! I'm playing in 90 minutes and I didn't print out my sheet after I advanced my level. Aaaaaaaaaah!
Everything should be up and running again. If you get any weirdness on first load, a refresh of the page should clear it up.