NPC functionality is now officially out of Early Access.
Please note that right now, adding stock NPCs from the library is only available to accounts that own Alien Archive (since most of the available NPCs require that package). In the future, we will release an update that makes a handful of free NPCs availalble to all full Hero Lab Online accounts (those printed in First Contact).
IMPORTANT: There's a known issue that (sometimes) causes the NPC list not to load properly. We are testing a fix right now, and should have that deployed later today with no downtime. This issue should now be resolved. Please report a bug if you notice it still occurring (after reloading your app, of course)!
IMPORTANT: We're still currently working on getting all the new NPCs imported into the library, so you will currently only a partial list. We'll be importing more throughout the day, and you may need to reload the app to see them as they get added. (Importing NPCs is something we can do while the server is up, so no further downtime is needed) This should now be complete.
New Features
Changes and Improvements
Bug Fixes
Data file/game mechanics changes
Please note that right now, adding stock NPCs from the library is only available to accounts that own Alien Archive (since most of the available NPCs require that package). In the future, we will release an update that makes a handful of free NPCs availalble to all full Hero Lab Online accounts (those printed in First Contact).
New Features
- Adds a new "Add from library" button to the create characters view
- Opens a window that allows you to browse all the stock characters your account has access to
- Name search and simple tag filtering are available. More sophisticated tags will be made available in the future.
- Shows a statblock preview of the stock character
- Allows you to duplicate the stock character
- Important Note: As of right now, due to some technical limitations, you must own Alien Archive to see any stock character options. In the near future, we'll be lifting this limitation to allow for all accounts to have access to some free stock characters (but you will still need to own Alien Archive to access stock characters that are part of that package).
- Moves the create buttons to the top of the view, so they are always initially visible no matter your screen size or how many characters you have.
- Adds a 'Broken' checkbox to gear so that can be tracked
- Adds auto-reconnect behavior in the background for when a connection completely shuts down (such as temporarily disabled wifi)
- Adjusts connections and reconnections to be more efficient
- Removes most connection-related toast message
- Adds a menu bar indicator for current connection status
Changes and Improvements
- Adds a display of different attack options to each weapon in the summary panel. Examples include single attack, full attack, multiattack, and ability based attacks like Soldier's Onslaught
- Adds a display of special attacks (e.g. breath weapons, multiattack) to the attacks section of the summary panel
- Adds an option to mark some NPC abilities as "free". When adding abilities to a class graft's tables for an NPC, sometimes the statblock will list a improvement to another ability, without listing that base ability as well. For example, the Cult Initiate on pg. 168 of Pact Worlds has the quick dispiriting taunt improvisation, but does not list dispiriting taunt, which is the ability that gets improved by the quick version. For Hero Lab's purposes, we need the base ability to also be present on the character, so that it can apply its effects and be activated on its own, but we don't want that base ability to show in the statblock or count towards the number of options allowed.
- For the NPC skills tab, adds a number editor to directly adjust the skill value in addition to Importance level (e.g. Good, Master)
- Adds the "Item Spells" table to the Spells section of the Play tab
- Adds missing customization for number of NPC languages and for freeform language additions (like "and 1 other language")
- Adds a message that will display if the server is in maintenance mode. This will automatically switch back to the normal interface if maintenance mode ends
- Adds date inference and intelligent date-based sorting to the date fields on journals
- This will automatically recognize dates in localized formats based on your browser settings (for the US, this includes MM/DD, MM/DD/YYYY, and Month DD, YYYY, as well as other minor variations of these formats). This can include a time on the end in localized format (for the US, HH:MM AM/PM). Recognized dates will be standardized and will sort entries intelligently based on year/month/day/time.
- Golarion month/day names will be recognized when using 'game date' fields if they're used with formats like the above.
- Unrecognized date entries will be unchanged and will attempt to use stable text sorting with their values.
- Dates will sort descending (most recent to least recent).
- Adds groups to the main validation display
- Changes the main validation display icon to use appropriate colors based onwarning type
- Changes the Journal tab to immediately add a new journal entry when you click the + button (rather than showing an add form with a single option)
- Shows applicable situational modifiers directly in the die roller, rather than only on the item details
Bug Fixes
- Fixes some detail controls showing a generic label instead of a more descriptive value when available (e.g. "Modify Value 1" vs. "Amount of resistance")
- Fixes some modifiable details controls only appearing in specific instances (e.g. only for Adjustment tables) and not appearing in more general circumstances when they should (e.g. modifying the energy resistance values for an NPC)
- Fixes some important error details (the error name and main message) not making it into the copied text when clicking the Copy to Clipboard button in error windows.
- Fixes an error rolling "damage" for flash grenades.
- Flash grenades don't really do damage, they just blind for a duration. Right now, that duration is encoded in its damage stat. This is a bit of a hack that we'd like to clean up in the future, but for now, the error is gone and you can roll that 1d4 for duration, even though it calls it "Ranged Damage".
- Fixes some damage rolls (typically those that read like "1d6 + 7 plus poison") resulting in an error like "InvalidInputError: "1d6+7+" is not a valid input string for node-roll."
- Fixes a number of places in the interface where negative values (e.g. attacks with a penalty) would appear as "+-" the value instead of just "-"
- Fixes some gear properties (e.g. special materials, critical effects, etc) showing controls to "move" them to other gear
- Hides the "Which Adjustments to use" selector for NPCs unless they have both a class graft and a type graft (it didn't do any for NPCs which only had one)
- Fixes some checkbox options on the details view not showing up, like the secondary options on subtype grafts
- Fixes empty checkbox options sometimes showing up on the details view
- Fixes infinite reconnect loop edge cases
Data file/game mechanics changes
- Drones were reporting an error about having too many weapons equipped when equipping a weapon.
- The "Expertise Talents" ability was showing as gained at 1st level for envoys, even though the first talent slot was not gained until 3rd level.
- The spell summaries, when showing DC/spell level, were not including the bonus from the spell focus feat.
- Field rations had their bulk listed as L per week, rather than 1/week.
- Several augmentations from Alien Archives were incorrectly set as forbidden to SFS characters.
- The Generic Constitution poison was applying the -2 to all spell DCs at an earlier stage than it should have been.
- Quick Release sheathes were counting the bulk of loaded ammo towards the weight loaded into them, instead of only testing for whether the weapon by itself is bulk L.
- The Haste Circuit upgrade was not showing a tracker for the item spell it bootstraps.
- A drone with multiple skill units was only showing one of them on the printed sheet.
- The fly speed granted by jetpacks was not counting as artificial for the purposes of the Sky Jockey feat.
- The Mental Disease affliction had incorrect text.
- Mummy Rot was not applying mental conditions when progressing along the track.
- The Flat-Footed condition was not imposing a -2 penalty to AC.
- When adding a feat that requires a specific character level to a drone (like weapon specialization), the mechanic level of the drone’s master was not being counted as this character level.
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